The Midnight Scare at the Hotel!

It was three o’clock in the morning, and the receptionist at a swanky hotel was just beginning to nod off when a little old lady came dashing towards her, yelling, “Please, come quickly! I just saw a naked man outside my window!”

Startled, the receptionist immediately rushed to the old lady’s room.

“Where is he?” she asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

“Over there!” the woman replied, pointing to an apartment building across from the hotel.

The receptionist peered over and spotted a man in his apartment, shirtless, moving around as if getting ready for bed.

“It’s probably just someone getting ready to turn in,” she said, trying to reassure the woman. “Besides, you can only see him from the waist up—how do you even know he’s naked?”

The old lady looked at her with wide eyes and exclaimed, “The dresser, honey! Try standing on the dresser!” 🤣

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