How I Learned, Men Play with the Heartbroken Card

I’m a 55 year old legal counsel, I saw the beautiful ladies in my office huddled together today, passionately discussing something. That’s how I learned about Frank, Gene and Fendi.

Fascinating stories. And I have not laughed out loud so much in a long time!

! First things first, what Frank wrote to you was disrespectful to his wife.

Now that we have that out the way, let me tell you this, Frank knew what he was doing when he chose his wife, he knew what he was doing when he sent you that story, the only thing he didn’t know was that his wife and his family will find the story and he would have to face the consequences of his choices. I have been a man all my life.

I was once a young man with some money in my pocket and a bit of education to go with it. I once lived, controlled by my hormones and appetite for sex, so before you jump in to insult me, hear me out.

Frank was trying to ran game and it backfired. That son-of -a-gun loves his wife.

He did not choose her out of desperation, he chose her on purpose. The fact that the ladies are in the comments believing he is broken about losing Fendi, he is miserable, he settled etc.

is what made me laugh. The fool is happy as a clam.

He was trying to wife up a good matured woman and still keep his ‘bad’ girl. And you Misskorang let me tell you why he sent you that sob story.

He had read enough from you to know you could take a raw narrative and turn it into a masterpiece, so he sent you his brokenhearted story, you polished it nicely and posted it. Before he sent that story, he had tried to get into Fendi’s ‘dross’ as a married man and failed.

That story he made you write was part of an elaborate plan to appear broken hearted, desperate and miserable to get his ex back in his life. You wrote that story so good, it makes Frank believable and given the way many of your fans believe it, he was hoping his ex would read it and believe it too.

I bet you he was the one who made sure Fendi saw your post. If Fendi ( God bless that firecracker) had made a mistake and taken him back, he would have lied to her and used her for as long as he could get away with it .

And if his wife or family found out, he would have played a helpless man and let Fendi take the fall as the witch who seduced him after her married. He wanted it both ways, he’s not helpless or confused he’s selfish.

I now understand how so many women fall for the “I am not happy in my marriage” ploy. You all will believe any old bullcrap.

Any man who says he doesn’t love his wife is lying. I know because I used to do it too.

One lady used to give me advice on how to be sexually attracted to my wife while giving it to me style biaaa bi. By the time she realized my wife and I had twins, she was shocked because by the lies I was telling her, she thought I wasn’t even looking at my wife.

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