h’ealthier than butter?

For years, we were taught that cholesterol was the enemy. Avoid butter, stick to margarine, and skip the yolk in your breakfast to protect your heart. But new research challenges everything we thought we knew… (find out more in the first comment 👇👇).

I am a doctor who works with heart patients daily, so I understand where this question and the existing answers come from. It’s all about the fat content and fat quality, right?

For many years, it was believed that cholesterol was harmful. We were told that butter could harm you, so opt for margarine. Skip the yolk for a “heart-healthy” omelet. Fries? No way!

But things have changed. Recent insights, such as those from The Framingham Heart Study, suggest that cholesterol may not have as significant an impact on heart disease as once thought. Instead, refined carbohydrates (like flour and sugar) have been identified as major contributors.

Moreover, consuming healthy fats can help keep you full longer and potentially reduce overall carbohydrate intake.

So, do you enjoy ghee? Feel free to include it in your diet!

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