
2356 Articles

Checking In: Grandma Norma’s Clever Call for Information

A sweet little grandma called St. Joseph's Hospital with a gentle voice…

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he Dead Horse Raffle: Jake’s Clever Profit

A young man named Jake bought a horse from a rancher for…

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Rusty the Rooster’s Movie Debut: A Popcorn Mishap

An elderly rancher named Hank decided he wanted to head into the…

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Young at Heart: A Senile Confession and a Bag of Cash

An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary. They had been…

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A Mother’s Wit: The Case of the Missing Gravy Ladle

One evening, John invited his mother over for dinner. As they chatted…

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The Great Escape: Officer’s Wild Chase with ‘Moodini’ the Cow

Just as I'm getting into my cruiser this afternoon, I hear Officer…

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The Road Trip Fiasco: A Lesson in Forgetfulness

On a road trip, an elderly couple decided to stop at a…

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The Wrong-Way Driver

A little old man told his wife, “I have to go to…

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A Love Story with a Swing: Ed and Carolyn’s Perfect Match

Ed and Carolyn met on a singles cruise, and Ed was instantly…

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The Midnight Scare at the Hotel!

It was three o'clock in the morning, and the receptionist at a…

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