Years ago a friend was on a plane in the aisle seat heading to LA.

Years ago a friend was on a plane in the aisle seat heading to LA.

A really stinky guy climbed all over him after having caused all kinds of havoc with the overhead lockers.

Before the plane took off the guy was asleep on my friend’s shoulder slumped everywhere and having a snore.

My friend put up with this but his mind ran amuck.

He hated this guy for a long list of reasons: he was unpleasant, smelly – had body odour and bad breath, more than a little racism, and some sour commentary on his possible religion.

After about two hours the meals came and the flight attendant woke the guy up.

He had the worst manners and ate like he had never seen food. After his first meal he asked the attendant if he could possibly get another.

Then he gobbled down a second one and seemed to relax just a little. He turned to my friend and said “That was good”, he had been starving and had not eaten or slept in three days.

At this point my friend got curious and asked, “What happened to your money?”.

He goes “I spent all of it on medicines for my patients. I knew I would fly out today so it did not matter that much.” Alert now, my friend asked if he was a nurse.

Mr. Smelly replied that he was an ophthalmologist and had been in India.

The doctor got out only “Bho-” before my friend’s brain imploded – the Union Carbide Disaster.

Thousands of poor people blinded and injured, and shortages of qualified help.

My friend then asked what he would do when he got home. The doctor’s response was the next big shock.

He said “I’m going home to auction my house in Orange County and then I’m going back for as long as the money lasts”.

Judging people is a bad habit.

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