Three Couples are wanting to get Married

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There is a young couple, a middle-aged couple, and an elderly couple.

The three couples meet with the priest and discuss when they can get married.

“If you wish to get married at my church, you must all go one month without having sex,” says the priest.

One month later, the three couples return to the church and talk to the priest.

He then asks the elderly couple, “Have you completed the month without sex?”

“Yes, we have. It was easy,” replies the elderly couple.

“How about you?” He asks the middle-aged couple.

“It was hard, but we didn’t have sex for a whole month,” they respond.

“And how about you two?” he asks the young couple.

“No, we couldn’t do it,” responds the boyfriend.

“Tell me why,” says the priest.

“Well, we lasted three weeks until my girlfriend had a can of corn in her hand and she accidentally dropped it.  She bent over to pick it up and that’s when it happened.”

The priest tells them, “You’re not welcome in my church.”

“We’re not welcome in the supermarket either,” says the boyfriend.