Patients Reveal the Most Awkward Doctor Visit They’ve Ever Had


Many people don’t like visiting the hospital, but sometimes, circumstances require us to. However, those doctor appointments sometimes don’t turn out as expected, and patients end up in uncomfortable situations.

Nobody knows when sickness knocks on the door. But when it does, we must take precautions by seeking medication to ensure we are healthy. But some of those doctor visits have turned out to be memorable experiences for some people.

On Reddit, these patients openly shared their encounters during doctor’s appointments, capturing the interest of fellow Redditors. While some of these anecdotes are hilarious, others are not-so-funny. Here’s what they had to say.

Comments have been edited for grammar and clarity.

1. Blue-Handed Patient’s Unusual Condition Turned To Be Blue Jeans

u/raybanomics: Not me, but my roommate went to the doctor because his hands were turning blue. He was born premature and has always had horrible circulation. So he goes to the doctor, who is so puzzled about what’s happening that she calls to consult other doctors.

She returns to the room with alcohol swabs, and the blue starts coming off. Apparently, he had not washed his new jeans, and the ink kept rubbing off on his hands every time he put them in his pocket.

2. Going Commando Led to an Awkward Encounter

u/olialm1: I had my physical examination and forgot to wear underwear. I pretty much go commando all the time unless I’m wearing a short dress, so when my doctor told me to “put the gown on but keep your bra and underwear on,” I facepalmed.

When he went to lift my gown so he could feel around on my stomach, I turned bright red and said, “I’m not wearing underwear,” to which he responded by giving me this weird look.

3. When a Cough Turned into a Burp

u/kev0h: Way back when I was in peewee football, I had to go for a sports physical. I was pretty young then. When the doctor told me to turn my head and cough, I panicked because I hadn’t coughed in a while, so instead, I burped.

4. The Doctors Clashed over Shorter Limb

u/epona92: My left leg is slightly shorter than my right leg (approx. 1.5 cm, so nothing too drastic), and when I was younger, I had to see a specialist because I also had scoliosis.

The doctor was older and German and had three international interns: one from South Africa, one from Mexico, and one from China.

After taking x-rays, the German doctor returned and informed me that my right leg was shorter than my left, pointing to the hip displacement in the x-ray. I corrected him, but he insisted that my right leg was shorter.

The South African came to my defense and pointed out that he was looking at the X-ray backward. The German doctor didn’t believe any of it, and their argument got so heated that the Mexican and Chinese doctors excused themselves.

5. The Motorcycle Mishap Became a Timeless Family Tale

u/TheOnlyOne87: I was about five years old at the time. We had a big field beside our house where my two older brothers and I rode our mini motorcycle around. Anyway, I crashed the bike and cut my leg open pretty badly.

So, I was taken to the local doctor for stitches. He pulled down my little trousers, and I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Twenty years later, I still have the scar on my leg. And my lack of underwear is still a regular family anecdote.

6. The Unexpected Encounter with Doctor Who Compared Me to John Cusack

u/BosskHogg: A few years back, I ended up getting the flu. My wife took me to a 24-hour emergency clinic near our house. The doctor on duty was in her mid-30s and kind of cute.

My wife was in the waiting room, and I was with the doctor in a patient room when the doctor turned to me and said, “You look just like John Cusack” (which I do).

I told her I get that all the time, but she kept repeating it, and she began sounding creepy.

So I’m lying on the bed, trying my hardest not to pass out, and the doctor begins playing with my hair, talking about John Cusack before my wife walks in.

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