For my last birthday, my wife presented me with a puzzle that led to what seemed like an incredible surprise: a trip to see my favorite football team play in London. I was speechless—until the reality sank in.
When I asked about the details, she admitted she hadn’t booked anything, saved money, or even checked my schedule.
A year and a half later, with work commitments and financial strains from being the sole provider for our family of five, that trip never happened.
Recently, when she mentioned how ‘ungrateful’ I was for not enjoying the gift, I couldn’t hold back any longer and explained…(continue below)
Last year for my birthday, my wife gave me a present. I opened it up and it was a puzzle. I was told to put it together, which I did and it had a vague London scene on it.
Then I was told to flip the entire puzzle over and sound that the back of the puzzle had the word “surprise” written on it.
I didn’t really understand where this was going, but my wife then told me that she was taking me to see my favorite football team play in London.
I was pretty blown away by this… So I asked when we were going.
She told me she didn’t know my schedule so she hadn’t booked anything.
I asked her if she had talked to a travel agent, or if she had saved any money to do this (I’m the only one that works in our house).
No, she said… I just figured you would book it.
Here we are a year and a half later, and I have been unable to take time off, and I’ve also been unable to come up with expendable income to buy tickets for both of us to travel to England and attend the match (from America) and provide childcare for our 5 kids while we watch a game.
And every once in a while, she brings up the fact how disappointed she is that I have not appreciated her gift.
I finally turned her and explained to her what a gift was and how her giving me permission to do something that I want to do, but can’t afford to do with the stipulation that I arrange all of the travel and expenses was not an actual gift.
Now she’s offended and “hurt“ that I don’t appreciate the gift that she has given to me.