My wife and I gave each other “Hall Passes” for our 10 year anniversary, needless to say, things have gone bad.

Twenty-two years ago I made a couple posts detailing the issues surrounding my (Liam 58M) Wife’s (Jennifer 58F) pregnancy.

Since I doubt anyone remembers, the short of it was we gave each other “Hall Passes.” My wife used hers, and was having sex with me around that time.

Her birth control failed and she became pregnant.

We were torn about what to do, were always keeping the baby, but knowing it was possibly another Man’s child caused us quite a bit of heartache.

Ultimately we decided to not get a paternity test and just raise our daughter together.

Our daughter (Willow 22F) is a senior in college now. She always comes home on extended breaks and over the summer, which is easy because her university is only about an hour from here (It’s the same one we graduated from). She is fantastic young woman with a bright future.

This year she asked if she could bring her boyfriend (Woody 20M) of the last 9 months home with her. We agreed.

The night they got home we had a big dinner made for them. It was going along really nicely, and we were getting to know Woody. He seemed like a really good kid. He was actually from Oregon. His grandparents lived near the university, as this is where his Mom and Dad were originally from. He came to college here because it’s where his Dad went and to be around his grandparents.

He was asking us questions too, and it was good until he asked my wife where she worked at and what she did. When she told him he said, “Oh cool, that’s what my Dad does.” Woody then proceeded to tell her that his Dad actually interned at my wife’s company before getting a job at their rival. Then he got promoted and sent out to Oregon.

I watched as my wife got noticably alert during this conversation, and then it hit me like a truck. I luckily did not fall over or blurt anything out.

My wife then said, “Woody, is that a nickname or were you named after the actor?” He chuckled, “Sort of, it’s my last name, Woodson, my first name is actually Josh, but my friends have called me Woody since middle school because, you know, when you’re 12 that’s hilarious, I just embrace it.” My wife was starting to sweat, “And can I ask, what was your dad’s name, maybe I remember him.” Woody, “Wesley Woodson, most people call him Wes though.”

I wanted to pass out. But we played it cool, Willow did ask if something was wrong but we said no, and changed the subject. They wanted to play Mario Party 30 with us, so we did. Afterwards they headed off to Willow’s room and we sprinted into ours.

“What the fuck.” I exclaimed.

Jennifer, “I know, I know, what are the odds of that, of all the people in the world she could meet and fall for, oh my God, oh my God, she might be fucking her brother.”

Me refusing to pull my head from the sand. “Are you sure? They might not be doing that yet.”

My wife looked at me, “Seriously!? She tells me everything. I normally shelter you from this because you can’t handle it, but we’re gonna have to grow up to get through this. She’s just like we were in college. They’ve been doing it since the first date, he’s far from her first. I need you to quickly come to terms with this.”

I am actively pretending I didn’t hear anything she said, my head is going back in the sand when this is over.

We realized, we can’t just demand she breaks up with him. She will absolutely question that. Also, we know she really likes him, maybe in love with him. She’s getting towards the end of college and that’s when life decisions get made, we can’t just sit here and hope the relationship runs it’s course.

Now we have to make decisions. We realize we need to get that paternity test. This will also raise questions. So we have to talk to Willow, and tell her the reality of the situation, because she is a strong willed person and is not going to just go along with anything without answers.

We talked her into sending Woody on to his grandparents a half day early. It was an awkward day and half for us, but we did our best to not let them notice.

Then we told her the whole deal, as discreetly and non-traumatizing as possible, about the Hall Passes, and Wes, and our decision to not get a paternity test. Willow looked like she wanted to throw up. She was so mad and disgusted. I can’t blame her. All in one moment she found out she may not know her biological father but also that she may be in a sexual relationship with her half brother.

We got the test done and are now waiting the 5 or so days to get the results back. Willow is faking an illness to avoid visiting Woody and keeping him from coming back here. They are still talking, but she seems sad, her somber tone is helping with the sick ruse. She is just hoping that the tests comeback with me as her father.

I’ll update when they get here and everything is settled.

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