My mom became big into conspiracy theories and it’s ruining my life

Me, a 13 year old male Ukrainian moved to UK two years ago, ever since then my mom is going insane.

It started of just weird like her thinking our hosts where looking at us too much.

Then she quit drinking and withdrawal syndromes are crazy. Then my dad who was still in Ukraine cheated on her and she became very hateful towards him and surprisingly me.

The mother of one of our hosts had to be taken to an elderly house and they gave that house to us till the war ends.

I was very thankful but my mom thought there was something wrong.

She thought they put spy sound recordeds outside so I wasn’t allowed to talk about anything important outside, then she thought the same about the car, and than the house.

Eventually she thought there where even video cameras everywhere including the toilets. This was weird for her to think since our host are the kindest people ever.

It was also kind of discomforting that I couldn’t talk about stuff like holiday plans but I could live.

But one day she went through my whole phone at night and tolde that ALL of my friends are secret spies for our hosts to put her in jail.

She thought that they didn’t feel comfortable with us around but I understand that even if they were they wouldn’t try to arrest us.

They have an internal multi million dollar business.

Press would quickly destroy their reputation if that happened. Since then my mom was taking my phone and I’m not allowed to go outside.

I could only have proper human contact at school but now that holidays started I didn’t have human contact for month.

My mom allowed me to have a phone now but she checks my phone every few hours and I don’t delete my messages in time.

She doesn’t know a password to my phone but she emotionally manipulats me into feeling guilty and she would say “you’re just as much of a moron as your father” who cheated on her a year ago.

She still didn’t ask for a divorce but I don’t think my family will stick together. If they’re divorcing I’m choosing my dad.

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