My In-Laws Forced Me to Eat The Food I Can’t Digest — I Ended Up Embarrassing Myself

Food intolerances can be tough, especially when the family doesn’t get it.

In this story, our reader with a highly sensitive stomach tries to keep the peace at her in-laws’ dinner by eating a small portion of food she usually avoids.

However, even that small bite backfires, leading to an embarrassing situation.

One of our readers dropped us a message.

Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand how uncomfortable this must have been for you, and we hope these tips might help.

Bring your own food.

The next time you’re invited, bring your dishes.

You could even offer to bring enough to share so they can try your food as well.

Let them know in advance that it’s because of your stomach issues, not because you dislike their cooking.

Don’t force yourself to eat.

Your health is more important than avoiding an awkward moment. If they take offense, that’s on them.

You shouldn’t have to hurt yourself to make someone else happy.

Your body’s needs come first, and if they can’t understand that, it’s their responsibility to adjust, not yours. It’s okay to stand your ground when it comes to your health. Those who truly care for you will understand and respect your boundaries.

Suggest hosting at your place.

If your in-laws are open to it, invite them over to your place so you can cook. This way, you control what’s being served, and they’ll get a chance to see firsthand the kind of food you need to eat. Besides, they might become more understanding and even appreciative of your culinary choices once they see the effort you put in to make food that works for you and still tastes great.

Talk it out with your husband.

Your husband needs to be on your team. Explain to him how uncomfortable and painful it is for you to eat foods you can’t tolerate.

He must back you up in front of his family. He can help communicate your needs to his parents in a way that makes them understand better.

Source: Bright Side

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