My husband no longer worry when I say NO to him in bed, he turns around and falls into a deep sleep!

My husband no longer worry when I say NO to him in bed, he turns around and falls into a deep sleep!

I need advice” what should I do?

My wife and I have been married for 38 years.

39 years ago, before we got married, my mother-in-law gave my wife a piece of advice.

She told her to always remember, “A husband has certain needs. And if those needs aren’t met, he WILL look elsewhere.”

I think she was talking more about my father-in-law, than me.

But in 38 years, I have learned a thing or two.

And one of those things is, if you don’t continually nurture certain parts of your relationship, those parts will eventually die.

And unfortunately, once that Rubicon has been crossed, it is NOT easy to go back, by any means.

First, you need to figure out why the situation has arisen.

Why does it bother you?

If you still care and he still cares, then talk about it, work together to figure it out.

After all, isn’t that what a marriage is?

A team?

And work?

Good luck.

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