I Wrote My Son Daily from a Nursing Home with No Reply until a Stranger Came to Take Me Home — Story of the Day


After two years in the nursing home, I lost all hope of anyone showing up. Every night, I’d pray, “Please, take
I wrote daily letters to my son to express how much I missed him after he persuaded me to move into a nursing home.

Until a stranger explained the reason and came to take me home one day, he never responded to any of them.

I was given the diagnosis of osteoporosis when I turned 81, which made it hard for me to move around without help.

Additionally, my condition made it challenging for my son Tyler and his wife Macy to care for me, so they decided to move me to a nursing home.

Tyler informed me, “We can’t be tending to you the entire day, mom.” There is work to be done. We do not provide care.


Despite my constant efforts to avoid interfering with their daily routines, I wondered why he suddenly felt that way toward me. When I needed to walk to another part of the house, I would stay in my room and use my walker.

I promise to keep out of your way. Please don’t put me in a nursing home. I begged, “I would love to continue living here for the rest of my life, your father built this house for me.”

I was dismissed by Tyler, who claimed that my late husband James’s house was “too big for me.”

He said, “Mom, come on.” Macy and I can take care of the house! We can have separate offices and a gym with all this space. There is ample room for improvement.”

At this point, I realized that the reason he moved me to a nursing home was not to get me the care I needed, but rather to keep my house for himself. When I realized that Tyler had somehow become a selfish man as a child, I was deeply hurt and tried to stop crying.

“Where did I screw up?” When I entered my room that night, I asked myself this. I believed I had raised a gentlemanly man, but it appears I was mistaken. I had no idea my son would betray me.

Tyler and Macy drove me to a nearby nursing home, promising me round-the-clock care from the staff without giving me much choice. Tyler reassured me, “Mom, don’t worry; we’ll visit as much as we can.”

When I heard this, I thought, maybe it wasn’t so bad to move to a nursing home because they had already come to see me. Tyler was just trying to get me off his back, and I had no idea it.

At the nursing home, each day seemed like an eternity. I still longed to be with family rather than in a place full of strangers, despite the fact that the nurses were welcoming and the other patients were pleasant to talk to.

I wrote daily letters to Tyler asking him to come visit me or how they were doing without a phone or tablet. I never received a response or a visit.

I had lost all hope that anyone would come after two years in the nursing home. Every night, I prayed, “Please, take me home,” but after two years, I tried to convince myself that my hopes were too high.

But one day, I was surprised when my nurse told me that a man in his 40s was looking for me at the counter. Did my son finally drop by?” Before making my way to the front, I quickly grabbed my walker, I said.

I thought it was Tyler when I got there, but to my surprise, it was another man I hadn’t seen in a long time. Mom!” He called out to me and embraced me tightly.

“Ron? Ron, is that you? I inquired.

“Mom, I’m me. How are things going? I apologize for taking so long to visit you. He stated, “I just got back from Europe and went right to your house.”

“My home?” Did you spot Macy and Tyler there? I disclosed, “They put me in this nursing home a few years ago, and I haven’t seen them since.”

Ron asked me to sit down after giving me a sad look. He began to explain to me what had transpired during the two years I had spent in the nursing home as we sat on the couch together.

“Mom, I’m sorry that I have to tell you this. He began to say, “I thought you already knew.” I didn’t find out about Tyler and Macy’s deaths until I went to your house and saw it abandoned last year. I decided to check the mailbox to see if I could find out where you were, and I found all of your unread letters.

What Ron was telling me was unbelievable to me. Hearing about my son’s death still broke my heart, despite my resentment for what he did to me. I wept throughout the day as I mourned him and my wife’s daughter, Macy.

Ron remained by my side the entire time I was weeping. He consoled me and stayed with me until I was ready to speak again without saying a word.

I once took a boy named Ron into my home. He and Tyler were close friends from a young age and could not be separated.

Ron lived in poverty and was raised by his grandmother after his parents passed away, in contrast to Tyler, who had everything he could possibly want. I fed, clothed, and made him live with us until he left for college in Europe. I treated him like my own son.

Ron didn’t come back to the United States after landing a high-paying job in Europe, and we eventually lost touch. Prior to his arrival at the nursing home, I had no expectation that I would see him again.

After I finally calmed down, he said, “Mom.” You should not be in this nursing home, in my opinion. Would you kindly permit me to bring you home? He stated, “I would love to take care of you.”

I couldn’t stop crying again. I was kicked out of my house by my own son, and in front of me was a man who wanted to take me in despite the fact that I wasn’t a relative by blood. Really, would you do that for me?”

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