[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”om6t5vzutd” question=”Cheating is one of the leading causes of divorce, and it can cause life-long issues with trust in future relationships. Because of this, it is understandable that someone severs all links with their unfaithful ex-partner. After years of no-contact, a woman was shocked to see her ex-husband on her doorstep. And his request surprised her even more, putting her in an uncomfortable situation.” opened=”1″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]
Cheating is one of the leading causes of divorce, and it can cause life-long issues with trust in future relationships.
Because of this, it is understandable that someone severs all links with their unfaithful ex-partner.
After years of no-contact, a woman was shocked to see her ex-husband on her doorstep. And his request surprised her even more, putting her in an uncomfortable situation.
A woman was put in a difficult position by her ex.
I (32f) have been married to my ex “Dan” (35m) for 6 years before we divorced at the end of 2020 due to him cheating with “Kate”.
Kate and Dan have a son who is 3, and he was conceived and born while Dan was married to me. After the divorce, Dan moved out from my house, and we haven’t spoken since.
Last week, Dan suddenly dropped his son at my house without giving me any warning or explanation.
He only mumbled that Kate was giving birth to their second child and needs him in the delivery room due to complications.
He left before I could protest, and I have tried texting and calling him multiple times and have received no reply.
I do not know why he thought it is a good idea, as I had plans, and they definitely don’t involve someone else’s child.
I ended up calling the police and have told them what happened, explained it is not my child and I haven’t agreed to look after him and his dad is not responding.
They took the child and I haven’t heard anything until very early hours of the same day when my ex called me calling me saying the cops found them in the hospital and basically forced him out of the delivery room so he can look after his child, so he missed the birth of his second.
And Kate had some complications, so she is in intensive care.
This imbecile is beyond narcissistic. His child:his responsibility.
He also started shouting, saying that his and Kate’s parents are living at the opposite ends of the country and have medical conditions which mean they can’t look after his son.
I have told him that he should have used his brain cells and thought about it in advance instead of dumping the product of his affair at my house, knowing that me and him are not civil, but he insulted me again.
I have mentioned this to some of my family and friends and while some people are on my side, others agree with my ex, saying I should have looked after the kid and shouldn’t have called the cops.
The poster offered more info in the comments.
Redditors took the woman’s side, although they expressed sympathy for the child.
Navigating a relationship with an ex is always tricky. In one of our previous articles, we wrote about a woman who refused to allow her ex-husband’s daughter to spend Christmas with her and her family.