I Planned Revenge on My Cheating Fiancé but Now I’m Unsure if It’s Too Harsh

We received a desperate letter from one of our readers.

Just a few days before her wedding, she found out about her fiancé’s infidelity.

She had a plan in mind, but now she’s doubting its correctness and asked for advice.

She wrote a letter, saying:
We decided to find out what people think about such a situation.

Texts can be fabricated.

Before making decisions about canceling the wedding, find more evidence of his guilt. Call the number and demand proof.

If everything is confirmed, then do as you planned. But perhaps this is all a lie, and your fiancé is innocent.

And you will ruin the wedding, your relationship with him, and make a mockery of yourself. © Lucy Hems / Facebook

Good for her. © Donna Womack / Facebook

If you confront him before — you may be got some money back on your cancelled event? © Geri Briggs / Facebook

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