I Installed Hidden Cameras in My House – I Was So Disgusted by What I Saw That I Contemplated Revenge

A man shared the heartbreaking story of how his marriage of 20 years ended.

The husband was heartbroken but took time to plot revenge against his wife.

A man took it to Reddit to reveal how he plotted revenge against his wife.

The father of two had already shared a story on Reddit about a time his wife let out a wife rabbit in the yard after he advised her to set it free in the bushes.

It turned out that a hawk came and took the bunny right in front of their children, who were only four and five years old.

The kids got scared from the incident, and it tainted their relationship with their mother.

The Redditor revealed that the kids would call his wife a “Bunny Killer.” Eventually, the husband came clean about the Reddit post he made about his wife, which made her angry.

But with time, she admitted that she was wrong and should have listened to her husband.

The Original Poster (OP) said he tried to get the kids to be kinder to their mother and would give them small punishments for calling her that dreaded name.

But each time they got angry at her, it resurfaced.

After the couple apologized, OP suggested they see a marriage counselor, but his wife insisted that nothing was wrong with their union.

Since they were getting along, the Redditor decided not to push things.

However, the bliss in their marriage did not last long. The OP’s eldest child came to him, saying the bunny situation was not the only reason she was mad at her mother.

The child was scared to confide in her father, but after much assurance, she revealed that a man had been coming to the house when the OP was working on weekends.

The mother referred to the man as her “special friend” and kept the kids silent with a few bribes. The OP then noticed a few unusual things about his wife’s behavior.

He realized that she was more short-tempered than usual.

She would lash out at him and insult his appearance, character, and family before she would lock herself in the bedroom and start crying loudly enough for the whole house to hear her.

As the OP assessed these changes in his wife, he suspected that the affair could have been a big part of it, but he also remembered these behaviors were similar to the ones she had when she was pregnant with their children.

So the OP got to work and ordered cameras.

He installed them around the house, and at one point, he thought he might be taking things too far.

However, he reasoned that should he be wrong about his wife, he would just take them down without anyone knowing.

But he ended up facing his biggest fears. Within a week of having the cameras up, he had enough evidence to prove his wife’s infidelity.

He found out that his wife’s affair partner was a former colleague whom she had mentored. He was about a decade younger than the OP’s wife.

The mother of two had quit her job to become a homemaker as they had agreed with her husband, but she remained close with her colleague.

The Redditor took things further and got a GPS tracker that he hid in his wife’s car.

The OP had confided in his sister about the situation, and she confessed that she already had her suspicions.

So, the sister and her husband were more than willing to help the OP get to the bottom of it.

As they followed the GPS, they realized that the wife went further from where she normally hung out with her friends, and it became clear that she went to see her affair partner.

The OP’s sister and brother-in-law observed the woman and saw the man rubbing her belly.

The OP was furious when he saw the footage and started plotting revenge. He lied to his wife and told her he would go on a business trip.

His sister agreed to take the kids, which gave the wife the perfect opportunity to bring her affair partner to the house.

Just a few hours after the OP left, the wife called the man over.

As the Redditor listened and watched through his hidden cameras, he heard the two speak about the baby they were expecting.

What infuriated him the most was how his wife spoke ill of him, saying he was an old man and that she was only with him because he was financially stable.

The wife even admitted that this was not her first affair.

Her affair partner asked what she would do about the kids she shared with her husband, and she said, “He can have them!” The mother believed her children liked her husband better and was more excited about her “Do-over-baby.”

The Redditor was distraught. He was convinced this was not the same woman he fell in love with 20 years ago. But after hearing what she said about him and the kids, he could not see himself staying with her anymore. “I was so disgusted,” he said.

The OP went to a law firm and asked for the most cutthroat lawyer. His revenge was making sure his wife got nothing out of this divorce.

At first, the lawyer presented to him was skeptical about his tactics, but after he showed the lawyer the footage of his wife cheating, he got him on the same page.

A few weeks later, his wife was served with divorce papers.

They were delivered to her hands by the local sheriff. The wife looked scared and could not believe her eyes once she opened the envelope.

She was furious and tried to threaten her husband’s job and reputation.

After a lot of back and forth, she stormed out of the bedroom and locked herself in the bedroom again.

The cameras the Redditor had previously installed allowed him to see his wife call the police. She sounded hysterical on the phone, but it was all an act.

The Redditor heard her telling them that he had been hitting her.

But since the husband had evidence, he patiently waited for the police to show up.

When they arrived, they were ready to attack the OP, but after he showed them footage and realized she had no scars on her body, they decided it was the wife they would be arresting.

The woman started crying hysterically, and the OP could not believe the woman he once loved would do so much to hurt him.

The wife returned to the house with his affair partner to fetch the rest of her belongings.

The children got home while she was packing, but the mother did not give them any attention, even after one of the kids cried for her.

On her way out, she took pictures of herself and the OP off the wall and threw them on the floor.

After all that happened, the OP got DNA tests for his kids and was thankful they were both his.

His wife tried to drag the divorce, but the Redditor had too much evidence not to win. Ultimately, the father got full custody and ownership of their house.

The only thing the wife left with was a car he bought her. The woman and his affair partner moved away after the divorce, and the OP could not have been happier to be a free man.

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