I Found Out My Husband Is C’heating on Me with His Boss Because of One Small Detail


Penelope sees David’s enthusiastic invitation to his boss’s extravagant mansion party as an opportunity to reconnect. Penelope, on the other hand, becomes suspicious when she learns a tidbit that suggests David has previously visited the mansion.

Penelope’s world is on the verge of betrayal as secrets unravel. Therefore, allow me to paint a picture for you.

I’m baking cookies for Derrick, my little boy, up to my elbows in flour on another Thursday evening. He is five years old, has a lot of energy, and the canvas he is supposed to be working on is currently covered in more paint than he is.

Derrick’s giggles are like the best background music, and the kitchen smells divine, like chocolate and vanilla. Look at my dinosaur, Mommy!

Holding up his masterpiece, which more resembled an explosion of colors than any dinosaur I had ever seen, Derrick exclaimed. His hair was ruffled as I laughed.

That is fantastic, buddy! You are becoming so skilled at this.

The front door squeaked open at that moment. David entered wearing a suit that made him appear as sharp as ever, but he had that familiar tired slump to his shoulders.

He untied his tie and tossed his briefcase near the door. My heart used to skip a beat when I saw him, but lately it’s more like a longing for simpler times.

Pen, hello. “Derrick,” he said with a slight grin on his face.

“Daddy! ” Derrick yelled and rushed over to him.

He was picked up by David, who spun him around like he did every evening. How were you today?

In an effort to conceal my hope, I asked. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to rush off to work today.

Actually, good news,” David said, his eyes shining as he took a card out of his pocket. This Friday, Laura is throwing a birthday party, and she has invited her most important employees as well as their partners.

The invitation to her mansion is enclosed. My heart flipped slightly.

A chance to spend some quality time together and have fun could come from this. A gathering?

In a residence? That sounds fantastic.

Derrick needs to be looked after by someone. Already considered that.

David responded by kissing me on the cheek, “Maria said she could watch him. ” Pen, it will be great.

You will finally have a glimpse of my world. I smiled at him, unaware of the devastation I would experience at the party.

When Friday evening arrived, David and I were standing in front of Laura’s house. Also, I mean a mansion when I say that.

This place had grand pillars, gardens that were meticulously maintained, and lights that made the entire area glow like a palace. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

The drive was lined with even larger-than-our-car topiary animals! “I’ve never been in a house like this before,” I whispered to David as I leaned over to him.

“Me neither,” he replied, his eyes wide. We provided a real butler with our coats.

Is it possible? A sudden realization struck me as I took in the lavish surroundings.

I had promised to contact Maria when we got here. My phone’s battery died as soon as I took it out of my clutch.

I extended my hand and turned to David. Can you lend me your phone?

I need to inquire about Derrick with Maria. Sure,” he replied without pause before handing it over.

When I looked down at the screen, I froze when I saw that “Laura’s Mansion” was already connected to the Wi-Fi. In a bad way, my stomach did a little flip.

Why already had his phone connected? He claimed to have never been to a location of this kind before.

Why would David tell that lie? Is everything fine?

David raised an eyebrow and asked, ” Yes, just. .

. this place is incredible,” I forced a smile when I replied.

I tried to concentrate on having fun and put the anxiety to one side. My discomfort grew with each passing minute despite the fact that the party was in full swing.

I was left to my own devices while David was away mingling. Mark, Laura’s husband, was talking to someone when I overheard it while I was near the buffet table.

Next week, I’ll be in Tokyo all week. Laura has the spot to herself,” Imprint said, giggling.

I felt a tingle in my stomach. I looked for David and some of his coworkers, trying to shake it off.

He was joking about something in the middle of the conversation. Therefore, I will begin working late starting tomorrow,” he stated.

Have a significant project coming up. My thoughts raced.

Is it possible that this is a fluke? The unease returned, this time more pronounced.

Laura caught my eye as I looked around the room. She was stunning, self-assured, and surrounded by people who were listening to every word she said.

David saw my distant glance. Penelope, are you alright?

” I muttered, “Yeah, just. .

. thinking.

” However, my thoughts were already racing, connecting the dots and forming suspicions that I was not yet prepared to face. Looks more like you’re worried, David said.

Pen, relax. Allow me to bring you another drink.

I observed David leave. I couldn’t relax until I understood why David had lied to me and why his comments about working late had become so sinister.

I required responses. When I dropped Derrick off at school the following day, I felt like my heart was beating like a drum.

His childish face lit up with a smile that made my heart ache even more as he waved goodbye. How could I allow this to overshadow our family?

The truth had to be known to me. Every mile I drove to David’s office felt like an eternity.

I took a deep breath and went inside when I got there. The receptionist smiled politely as she looked up.

Hello, David is he present? I tried to keep my voice steady as I said, “I need to give him something.

” She gave a slight frown. David?

Oh, today he left early. stated that he needed to deal with a personal matter.

My heart dropped. With my hands shaking, I took out my phone and dialed his number.

Hey, Pen,” David replied, sounding a little lost in thought. Hey, how are you doing?

I said, trying to sound cheerful, “I thought I’d bring you lunch. ” He replied smoothly, “I’m at the office, just buried in work.

” I’m sorry, but I can’t make lunch today. Fear and rage turned my stomach.

Okay. The next day then.

I adore you. The lie hung in the air like a dark cloud after he said, “I love you too,” and I hung up.

He was lying once more. I drove to the one location where I was certain I would find my husband, motivated by a mix of dread and determination: Laura’s house.

A torrent of worries and suspicions filled my mind as it raced. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I got to the house.

I had to be aware. Laura answered when I knocked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Penelope? How are you using this space?

” I said, “I need to see David,” my voice firm. David?

She mumbled, “He’s not here,” attempting to block my path. I sprinted past her and stormed into the house, ignoring her.

As I made my way to the bedroom, driven by a gut feeling I couldn’t ignore, Laura’s protests faded into the background. He was hiding like a coward when I opened the closet door.

David? ” A mix of rage and hurt made my voice crack.

David left the room with a look of shame on his face. I can explain, Penelope.

Explain? I have been deceived by you!

” My yell reverberated throughout the lavish room. With her hands raised, Laura stepped forward to try to intervene.

“Please, Penelope, stay out of this! ” She was silenced by my glare as I snapped.

With rage in my hands, I turned back to David. How much time has passed since this began?

” “It wasn’t supposed to—” David mumbled, “Save it. ” Every word came out coldly, like a dagger.

We are finished. With each step, my heart broke as I left.

My face was wet with tears as I drove home in a blur. How could he harm us in this way?

For Derrick? I experienced both pain and relief when I got home.

I contacted an attorney and began the difficult divorce filing process. I had to be strong for Derrick, and I couldn’t let this break us.

That evening, Maria came over, and her presence restored my broken heart. She embraced me and said, “Pen, I’m so sorry.

” My wet tears soaked her shoulder as I leaned in closer to her. Maria, I don’t know how to do this.

How do I proceed? “One step at a time,” she mumbled.

You have more power than you realize. Determined to heal and rebuild my life, I began therapy.

It was difficult every day, but I focused on Derrick and made sure he felt loved and safe. He looked up at me with those big, innocent eyes one evening as I tucked him into bed.

Mommy, how are you doing? Through my tears, I smiled.

Yes, my dear. We won’t have any problems at all.

” Knowing that I had found my strength despite the pain, I gave him a kiss on the forehead. For Derrick and myself, I was ready to start over.


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