I caught my 13 year old daughter using p’ads for her p*riod without my permission. What do I do now?

What do you mean, without your permission?

Is she using your personal supply or something?

What is she supposed to use?

Did she not tell you she’d started menstruating?

I didn’t tell my mom when I started, but I have three sisters, so we already had everything I needed.

If she’s using your supply and that bothers you, then get her some of her own that she can keep separately.

I’ve heard of moms not wanting their young daughters to use tampons, but this is the first time I’ve heard of a parent being upset about a daughter using pads.

Have a talk with her if you want, but don’t make her feel bad just because she’s a girl with girl stuff happening.

If she’s using your supply and you don’t want her to, then buy her her own products and give them to her.

You don’t have to make a big deal about it.

Leave the products in her room, in her bathroom, or by her door, whatever.

Maybe in a pretty package so no one else will know what’s in it, because it can be embarrassing for girls to deal with period stuff at that age.

If you have a problem with her using pads just because she didn’t tell you about it, then just get over it.

Some girls are very private about that sort of thing.

Don’t push her.

Like I said, I didn’t tell my mom when I first started.

No big deal. It’s not like I never talked to her about it.

If, for some bizarre reason, you just have a problem with her using pads (instead of something else?), then maybe have a discussion with her about which products she will be most comfortable using.

She is a child and she is being responsible by using appropriate products for the situation.

That normally seen as a good thing.

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