Funny (dirty) Joke: An old man goes to confession about his night of sin

👇🏾 THE JOKE 👇🏾
An old man goes to confession.

He tells the priest that on Friday night, he’d been in the bar when he started talking to three girls nearby.

“They were maybe twenty years old, two blondes and a redhead.”

“One had legs, one had knockers like you wouldn’t believe, and the last had all the right curves.”

“I started lusting, Father.”

“Yes,” says the priest, “Lust is a dangerous sin.”

“There’s more,” says the old man.

“I talked to them for an hour, bought them a lot of drinks, and then brought them to my home.”

“Let me just say,” adds the old man, “I sinned over and over that night!”

The priest pauses.

“And how long has it been since your last confession?”

“I’ve never done confession before, this is my first time.”

“How is this your first confession? the priest asks.”

“I’m an atheist.”

“Then,” queries the priest, “Why are you telling me all this now?”

The old man boasts,

“Telling you? heck, I’m telling everyone!”

😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

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