Doctor’s Hook-Up Hilarity!

factfable factfable 4

〰️🌟 The Funny Joke 🌟〰️

Two doctors meet at the bar and decide to hook-up.

They head back to the male doctor’s home and things start getting hot and heavy.

Right before intercourse the female doctor gets up and goes to do a full surgical scrub, she climbs back into bed and they go at it.

Afterwards the male doc says, “You must be a surgeon.”

She says, “Correct! how did you know?”

He replies, “Because you did a scrub before sex.”

She then says to him, “You must be an anesthesiologist.”

Astonished, he asks, “How did you know?”

She replied,

“Because I didn’t feel a thing!”
😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣