Demanding a Child to be “Pure”: How I Survived My Shocked Husband’s Request


When my husband said that our first child wasn’t “Aryan” enough, I gave him a reality check. When he said that our daughter wasn’t “European” enough, I realized I had to do something.

I thought I’d gone excessively far, however as I watched his reality fall to pieces, I concocted an arrangement to show him a thing or two. Standing in my living room, I looked at my spouse as if he were new to me.

My world turned on its axis as Peter’s words lingered in the air between us. “You mean you want another child?

” I asked, trying to keep my voice consistent. You have been distant ever since Amelia was born, and she is only one year old.

Peter moved away from my gaze as he ran his hand through his hair. “Well, Nora, I just hoped that, like my mother and sister, she would turn out pale and blue-eyed.

However, she does not at all resemble my imagined image. ” My jaw dropped open.

Are you serious at this point? ” “No, actually, I don’t know what you mean,” I responded sharply.

“I just thought maybe our second one would look more. .

. you know, European.

” Care to elaborate? Peter made a nervous move.

Let me say that being Norwegian is an honor for me. I’m afraid that Amelia’s brown appearance will not be tolerated by my family.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. referring to our daughter as if she were a disappointment, even my spouse.

Before I knew it, we were engaged in a heated argument as I started to become enraged. She is our daughter, Peter!

How on earth do you think this way? I screamed.

“I can’t help how I feel! ” he retorted.

I just wanted a child who resembled me! ”

Going back and forth seemed to take us an entire hour. By the time Peter stormed out and slammed the door behind him, I was exhausted, heartbroken, and worn out.

However, as I sat there in the silence, a thought began to emerge. I called my mother using my phone.

Hi, Mom. Do you have time to watch Amelia in a few days?

Peter must learn something from me. My mother didn’t ask a lot of questions, which is a good thing.

She said nothing more than, “Obviously, honey. Invite her over when you’re ready.

” I groaned, “Thanks, Mom. ” I promise to explain everything later.

I packed Amelia’s belongings after Peter left for work the next morning. As I zipped up her small luggage, I kept thinking about Peter’s comments.

I went to my mother’s house with a heavy heart, wondering how he had missed her perfection. Upon seeing my face when I arrived, Mom gave me a hug.

“Oh, honey,” she exclaimed. What took place?

” At that point, I wept and broke down and told her everything. She listened with rage and incredulity.

That man, she murmured after I finished. I ought to give him some space in my thoughts.

I wiped my tears and replied, “No, Mom. ” I’m working on a plan.

Just look after Amelia for me, please. As she nodded, she brought Amelia closer to her.

I’m certain I will. You do what needs to be done.

I underestimated how difficult it was to leave Amelia. I breathed in her lovely baby scent after kissing her plump cheeks.

“Mommy loves you so much,” I whispered. Never disregard that.

I spent the day getting ready for what would happen when I got home. When I heard Peter’s key in the lock that night, my heart began to race.

He grinned at the sudden silence as he entered. Nora?

“ Amelia is where? I took a deep breath.

I surrendered her to adoption. Peter became extremely pale.

What? I said in a firm voice, “Well, you said you wanted a child with a more Nordic appearance.

What are you talking about? ” As a result, I thought we could try again.

We might have the pale-skinned, blue-eyed child you’ve always wanted this time around. Are you crazy?

With furious eyes, Peter hollered. ” Where is she currently?

Where is our little girl? As the situation became more real, I watched.

Peter gave in to his tears and fell onto the couch, his legs giving way. How did you manage this?

” He died of choking. I never wanted to.

. .

I didn’t mean to. .

. I fell to my knees next to him and shed tears.

If Amelia were aware that her father was dissatisfied with her solely due to the way she looks, how would she likely feel? Peter looked up at me with a face covered in agony.

Sincere apologies. I’ve been a total idiot.

I swear that I cherish Amelia. I was just, you know, confused.

Fearful? Ignorant?

Both? ” I deeply inhaled.

My mother is the only one with Amelia. She is protected.

There was a visible wave of relief on Peter’s face. He cried even more as he collapsed into me.

Oh, God, thank you so much. I thought I had lost her permanently.

As we sat there on the floor, we talked and wept together for a long time. Peter talked about his worries about not being able to connect with Amelia, disappointing his family, and losing touch with his roots.

But at the end of the day, nothing of it matters,” he stated. She is our child.

I adore Nora to the hilt. I can’t believe I let my naive preconceptions get in the way of that.

After wiping my eyes, I nodded. Peter, our performance must improve.

for Amelia’s benefit. She is deserving of loving and accepting parents at all times.

Peter responded, “You are correct. ” Can we now go get her?

Would you kindly? I had to see and hold her.

” As we silently drove to my mother’s house, we were both completely absorbed in our thoughts. When we got there, Peter almost got to the door right away.

My mother held Amelia as she responded. When Peter saw her, he once more broke down in tears.

He tightly held her in his arms. “I’m so sorry, baby girl,” he muttered.

You have his undying affection. exactly how you are.

My mother looked confused at me. I’ll explain later,” I said in a hurried manner, and while she was holding my hand, she nodded.

Over the next few weeks, Peter and I had a lot of long, difficult conversations. We talked about who we are, what family really means, and what kind of parents we wanted to be.

Peter said one night, “I never realized how deep my biases ran. ” I regret how I behaved.

I took hold of his hand. The most important thing is your willingness to alter.

Peter started looking into the ancestry of my family after learning about Amelia’s rich heritage and culture from both sides of her family. He even signed up for language classes so that when Amelia was older, he could teach her Norwegian, the family’s native tongue.

Everything wasn’t easy. Even now, there were times when his fears would surface or I would experience a flash of rage when I thought back on what Peter had said.

However, we were able to overcome it collectively. Peter and Amelia were lying on the floor with books all around them when I got home one day.

What is it all about? ” I questioned.

Peter looked up with a grin. We’re going all over the world!

Amelia ought to be aware of all of the world’s cultures, not just our own. My chest felt warm as I observed how they interacted.

I had always wanted Peter to be like this as a father. One night, while we were standing over Amelia’s cot and watching her sleep, Peter turned to face me.

He spoke with a quiet “thank you. ” I inquired, “For what?

” for keeping up with me. for demonstrating to me what matters most in life.

” From below, he smiled at our daughter. She is flawless, isn’t she?

” I felt a wave of calm as I laid my head on his shoulder. I replied, “Yes.

” She is in fact. “As I observed my spouse gently petting our daughter’s cheek, it became clear to me that we still had a long way to go.

However, for the first time in months, I felt hopeful. Everything would be fine.

We, the three of us, as a group. What about Peter’s family members?

However, that story is for another day. However, let’s just say that when they finally got to meet Amelia, they fell in love with her just as quickly as we did.

because love can’t tell the difference between colors because it only sees the heart in the end. What would you have done in that circumstance?


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