Dad ch’eated on Mom 10 years ago. I haven’t told anyone…

My dad forgot to logout from his email account on my PC.

Just before I signed out his account without looking at anything, I saw the word “LOVE” in caps and it grabbed my attention since I know my mom never used email accounts back then.

Then I decided to click the email and found out he has an affair with not only one but many.

I keep clicking and clicking until my head was about to burst and tears on my eyes.

I am her only son with two sisters. I love her to death and I know she loves me more than anything else.

She loves my dad to death too. She was from a rich family and he was from a poor family but love made her leave everything and live with him and raise us in a crappy life. Now he makes more money that made me discover there are more attractive women than my old mom. When I think about this it makes me hate man (even if I am a man who never cheated. I hope that it will never happen to me.)

I was so hurt in that moment that I cried almost for days (yeah, men has emotions too).

But the good thing is it made love her more since now I know I am the only person she can trust and rely on.

Years passed by and she figured it out herself. I’m happy she did. But she never caught him when he is cheating so he still denies it. I used to love my dad until that moment but after that he is just another guy for me. I still respect what he did for me till now (I’m 26 years old) but I don’t have the same love for him.They are still together but the vibe will never be the same.

I wish I could heal her but it’t not in my control. I am working my a$$ in Silicon Valley hoping that she retires happy and I can travel the world with her.

For all Men out there, next time you are about to cheat on your wife/girl friend/, just take a second to think about it if it happened to your mom. I hope it will make you change your mind.

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