Checking In: Grandma Norma’s Clever Call for Information

A sweet little grandma called St. Joseph’s Hospital with a gentle voice and a sprinkle of nerves.
“Hello there, dearie. Is there any chance I could check on how a patient is doing?” she asked softly.

The operator replied, “Of course, ma’am! I’d be happy to help. Could you give me the patient’s name and room number?”

In her fragile voice, the grandma answered, “Yes, it’s Norma Findlay in Room 302.”

The operator cheerfully said, “Hold tight for a moment while I check with the nurse.”

After a short wait, the operator returned, full of good news.
“The nurse says Norma is doing just great! Her blood pressure’s perfect, her test results are all clear, and Dr. Cohen has scheduled her to go home tomorrow!”

“Oh, that’s such a relief!” the grandma sighed happily. “Thank you so much for the wonderful news, bless your heart.”

The operator then asked warmly, “Oh, is Norma your daughter, dear?”

There was a pause, and then the grandma replied with a sigh,
“No, honey… I am Norma Findlay in Room 302. And no one here tells me a darn thing!”