Can You Find What’s Wrong With These 10 Pictures?

“You see, but you do not observe,”

the great literary detective Sherlock Holmes once said.

Being observant means watching everything around you (people, situations, events, etc.) and then thinking critically about what you’ve just seen.

Observation skills are very important in our everyday lives as they enhance our ability to interact with others and to respond to the world in an appropriate manner.


, we have prepared illustrations for you that will challenge your observational skills!

Our artist intentionally made one mistake in each of the following pictures. Can you find them?

1. Astronaut

2. Countryside

3. Bathroom

4. Ice float

5. Breakfast

6. Desert

7. London

8. Country house

9. Fitting room

Let’s raise the bar! Find


inaccuracies in the last picture.

10. City street

How many inaccuracies did you manage to spot? Please share your results in the comments!
