
2401 Articles

To Be Successful

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the…

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Be Kind!

One day a lion was sleeping in front of its cave. At…

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Life is about correcting mistakes!

She married him today. At the end of the wedding party, her…

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Promise Me!

It hung there in the closet While she was dying, Mother’s red…

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Everything is in your head!

Luis Fernandez is going to spy on the training of Nantes and…

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An Ant and a Dove

Once upon a time a river ran through a green field. There…

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Build a Bridge!

Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell…

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The Story of A Liar Shepherd

There was a village on the outskirts of a forest. A shepherd…

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Forrest Gump was tested at the Gates of Heaven

St. Peter said, “Welcome, Forrest. We’ve heard a lot about you.” He…

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A middle-aged college professor receives a knock on the door of his office on campus

After fumbling about for a few moments, he opens the door to…

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