Alright boys and girls..

I finally did it! I asked the cute barista for her phone number after going to the same coffee shop for over a year.

I decided to just go for it as I went to pick up my drink before work.

She ran to the back, got a card, and there it was.

I waited all day in anticipation.

After a couple of hours, when I got home after a long shift, I sent her a nice and casual text:

“Hey, it’s [name]. Thanks for giving me your number. How was your day?”

I haven’t heard back yet, but I’m hopeful that I will sometime this weekend.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been excited to talk with someone I find attractive, seemingly kind, and enthusiastic about texting. Crossing my fingers!

Edit: Update. Fucking hell man. I was so stoked too. Fake number it was.

Edit 2: Do I even go back to that coffee shop now? Like, wtf man.

Last edit: After reading through the comments, some of you gave really great advice and insight.

Especially when it comes to asking for a person’s number while at work. I do not regret doing so. I already tossed the card and will keep going to the same location.

There are no hard feelings, and I won’t make any mention of texting or why it was a false phone number. Some of you, however, gave harsh criticisms, and for what?

To show or own me that you had a miserable time going throughout life and having worked front facing customer service jobs? Well, you sure showed me.

I’ve worked retail for years and know quite a few people who got a service workers number and vice versa.

In any case, life moves on, and I’m moving on and turning off updates on this post. Again, thanks to those who were trying to be helpful and also give me a little tough love. Peace everyone. ✌️

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