A man is going to enter his hog in the State Fair…

factfable factfable 1

A man was going to enter his hog in the State Fair contest for the largest hog…

But a couple of weeks before the contest, the hog got a bad case of diarrhea.

The man decided to take a huge carrot that he had pulled from the garden and plug up the hogs behind…

It worked.

The hog kept eating and got bigger and bigger every day…

He was bigger than ever when the day for the contest finally arrived.

The man had to put the hog in a large horse trailer just to get him to the fairgrounds…

When he got there, he noticed animals of all sorts at the unloading zone.

There were horses, cows, ducks, chickens, goats, sheep, and even monkeys.

He went to the back of the trailer to unload his hog…

As he opened the trailer gate, he noticed that the green leaves on the carrot were showing a little bit out of the big hogs behind.

He was just about to tuck them back in when a monkey ran up and grabbed the big carrot and pulled it out…

It was as if a bomb had exploded!

The man was thrust backwards about 10 yards.

Hog poop covered everything within 20 yards of the hog…

The man hit his head when he hit the ground and passed out.

He woke up a bit later in the back of an ambulance.

The local sheriff came over to ask him about the explosion…

The Sheriff asked, “What was the last thing you remember?”

The man put one hand over his eyes and with a fist in the other hand started thrusting in front of his face as if he were boxing someone he couldn t see.

Then he said, “All I can remember is that poor little Monkey… ”

“Trying to put the carrot back in!”