A boy was cycling with a basket of eggs on it. He hit a stone and fell down along with the cycle.

A boy was cycling with a basket of eggs on it.

He hit a stone and fell down along with the cycle.

. . . The eggs also fell down and broke. A crowd gathered around the boy.

. . . As usual free advice started flowing from the on lookers “Couldn’t you be more careful?” “What is this, you are cycling , casually without attention?”

. . . An old man approached the crowd , saw what had happened and said “Poor fellow this boy has to answer the Owner of the shop . Ok I will help him , as much as I can”

…… saying this handed over Rs10/- to the boy. And also said “These onlookers are good people, they will not only give advice, they will help you by giving money also, accept their help”

. . . The onlookers observing the sayings of the old man and his actions , gave money to the boy

. . . The boy was very happy, since the money collected was more than the value of the eggs broken

. . . One of the onlooker asked the boy “young man if that old man was not around , I do not know what difficulties you would have faced with your owner”

. . . The boy smiled and replied “Sir ,that old man is the owner of the shop , where I work”

. . Clever owner 🙂 🙂

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