What’s the funniest lie you believed as a kid?

When I was a kid, my older brother convinced me that our family’s car ran on special “invisible fuel.”

He said that every time we took the car to the gas station, my dad was actually just pretending to pump gas, and the car was powered by our imaginations.

I believed him for years, even bragging to my friends about our magical car.

It wasn’t until I learned about how engines actually work in school that I realized I’d been fooled all along.

So, here’s how I finally figured it out.

One day in science class, our teacher was explaining how internal combustion engines worked.

As she talked about gasoline and the process of fueling a car, I started to connect the dots.

I went home and confronted my brother, who couldn’t stop laughing.

My parents had a good chuckle too and admitted they knew about the lie but thought it was harmless fun.

Looking back, it’s one of my favorite childhood memories!

What about you?

Any funny lies you believed as a kid? Share your stories!

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