My mom threatened to k*ll me by rushing me with a k’nife while I was playing a game.

My mom threatened to kill me by rushing me with a knife while I was playing a game.

She calmed down quickly once my dad woke up.

What should I do?

I need you to do exactly as I say for your own safety! Please listen!

Tonight and tomorrow morning, do nothing to make your mother angry. Suck up to her even. Just do whatever you need to in order to stay safe.

Go into school in the morning and go straight to the guidance counselor. Do not wait.

Tell them these exact words: “I am in a crisis, and I need to speak with a guidance counselor immediately.”

Explain exactly what happened, that you are in fear for your life, etc.

They will keep you safe until the police and/or mental health professionals get it under control.

Please, I beg of you. Do exactly this. You are in danger and you need to get yourself out.

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