A woman wants to serve her guests mushroom-smothered…


A woman wants to serve her guests mushroom-smothered steak, but she has no mushrooms and no time to buy them…

Her husband suggests, “Why don’t you go pick some of the mushrooms that are growing wild down by the stream?”

“No,” the wife replies, “Some wild mushrooms are poisonous.”

“Well, I see squirrels eating them and they’re OK,” her husband says.

So, she picks a bunch then washes, slices and sautés them for dinner…

She looks outside on her porch and sees “Spot”, their pet dog, wagging his tail and licking his chops.

So, she opens the screen door and gives him a handful of the mushrooms…

Spot laps up every last bite.

That evening, the meal is a great success…

After everyone has finished eating, her daughter returns from her date and whispers in her ear, “Mom, Spot is dead!”

Trying to keep her head about her, she leaves the room as quickly as possible, calls the doctor and tells him what has happened…

The doctor says, “That’s really bad, but I think we can take care of it.”

“I’ll call for an ambulance and I’ll be there as quickly as I can… ”

“We’ll pump out everyone’s stomachs and everything will be fine… ”

“Just keep them calm and I’ll be right over.”

Before long they start to hear the sirens as the ambulance approaches their house…

The doctor enters along with a group of paramedics carrying syringes, a stomach pump and other equipment.

One by one, they take each person into the bathroom and pump out their stomachs…

It’s well after midnight, after the last person has been treated, when the doctor comes out and says, “I think everything will be okay now.”

The hosts and the guests are all weak and exhausted, sitting around the living room…

Suddenly, the daughter comes in and says to her mother, “I can’t believe that guy!”

“What guy?” asks her mother.

Her daughter replies, “You know… ”

“That bastard who ran over Spot.”

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Larry Neumann
Larry Neumann
7 months ago

THEY COULD HAVE JUST SAID “THE GUY THAT RAN OVER SPOT” but no they have to use their filthy language!!! (POOR TASTE)!!!!!


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