Lady Learns Her Husband Switches from SUV to Old Cheap Car Daily and Leaves City – Story of the Day

Catherine notices that her beloved husband, Dylan, switches from his SUV to a cheap old car every day and leaves the city limits. She decides to follow him, however she has no idea she will learn about the other side of her husband’s life that day.


The atmosphere was peaceful as the evening sun began its descent, casting a gentle golden hue on everything it touched. Catherine was maneuvering her sleek sedan through the city streets, the hum of the engine a soft undertone to her thoughts. Her hair, freshly styled from the upscale beauty salon, framed her face perfectly. The scent of the shampoo still lingered in the air, a delicate mix of lavender and chamomile.

She had been so engrossed in her own world that she nearly missed the familiar sign of the large supermarket that loomed up on her right. It was a typical spot for her weekly grocery runs, a place that offered the comfort of routine. A fleeting thought crossed her mind: ‘Perhaps I should stock up for the upcoming week.’ On a whim, she decided to make a detour.

As she signaled and made her way into the parking lot, another thought struck her. Dylan, her husband, sometimes shopped here after his work. Picking up her phone, she dialed his number, hoping to perhaps coordinate their lists or even just enjoy a spontaneous coffee date at the supermarket’s cafe.

But the familiar ringtone extended longer than usual, ending with the disappointing buzz of a voicemail. Just as she was about to slip the phone back into her bag, it vibrated with an incoming message. The screen lit up with Dylan’s name, and the message read, “I’m in a meeting. I can’t talk. I’ll call you later.”

Catherine felt a mix of annoyance and understanding. She knew Dylan’s job often demanded unexpected commitments. But if he was still ensnared in work duties, then he hadn’t made his usual grocery run. With renewed determination, she parked her car in a spot close to the entrance. Grabbing her reusable bags from the back seat, she made her way into the supermarket, mentally preparing her shopping list.

Navigating through the rows of parked cars, Catherine was preoccupied with thoughts of dinner and what fresh produce to get. However, a familiar vehicle caught her eye — a sleek black SUV, unmistakably Dylan’s, given the unique scratch on the rear bumper from a minor accident they had laughed about months ago.

Her steps slowed as she approached, and her heart began to race. She glanced through the tinted windows: the driver’s seat was vacant. The entire car was empty. A whirlwind of emotions clouded her thoughts. Hadn’t Dylan just messaged her moments ago, saying he was engrossed in a meeting at the office? And yet, here was his car, standing silently in the fading light of the evening.

As she stood there, a barrage of thoughts engulfed her mind. Was he lying to her? The weight of suspicion felt heavy in her chest. Memories of whispered phone calls he had taken in another room, recent late nights at work, and small, seemingly insignificant changes in his behavior all came rushing back. Was he having an affair? The mere thought sent a sharp pang of pain through her heart.

She tried shaking off the overpowering suspicion. Maybe there was a rational explanation? Maybe he had forgotten something at the store, or perhaps he was surprising her with something? But the nagging doubt persisted.

Biting her lip, she decided on a course of action. Instead of going into the supermarket, she’d wait. Catherine swiftly returned to her car, parked a few spots away, ensuring her vehicle remained inconspicuous. She settled into her seat, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She decided she’d confront Dylan when he returned, seeking answers to the questions that now clouded her mind.

The parking lot was gradually emptying as the evening shoppers made their way home. The muted hum of distant conversations and the clatter of shopping carts echoed in the air. Catherine’s attention was solely fixed on Dylan’s car, each minute stretching out, feeling almost unbearable in its weight.

Suddenly, the screech of old brakes jarred her from her reverie. An old, dilapidated sedan, its paint faded and rust eating away at its corners, pulled into a nearby parking spot. Catherine barely gave it a passing glance, dismissing it as irrelevant. But then the car door creaked open and out stepped a figure she knew all too well, yet looked so unfamiliar.

It was Dylan, but not the Dylan she recognized. Instead of his usual crisply ironed suit, the kind he wore daily to his office job, he was donning worn-out jeans and a faded t-shirt, the fabric stretched and thinning. His shoes, usually polished leather, were now scuffed sneakers. His hair was uncombed, and there was a distant look in his eyes, one she had never seen before. It was as though he had momentarily stepped into a different world, one where he lived a completely different life.

Catherine’s heart raced, her previous suspicions now churning into a mix of confusion and concern. Dylan quickly glanced around, seemingly ensuring no one was watching, and then hurriedly made his way to his SUV. Within moments, he had stripped off the shabby attire, revealing the familiar suit underneath. He stuffed the discarded clothes into the trunk of the battered sedan he had arrived in, locked it, and then finally got into his own SUV.

Catherine’s mind was racing. The events unfolding in front of her were beyond comprehension. What was he doing in that old car? Why was he dressed like that? A myriad of questions flooded her, each more baffling than the last.

A decision took shape in her mind. Instead of confronting him now, in the midst of her swirling emotions and confusion, she’d investigate further. Tomorrow, she would tail him and uncover the mystery behind his peculiar actions.

Starting her car, Catherine drove off, making sure she remained unnoticed. She aimed to reach home before Dylan did, wanting to maintain the semblance of a normal evening, all while planning her next move in her quest for the truth.

That same evening, the kitchen in Catherine and Dylan’s home was bathed in a soft, warm light, emanating from the elegant chandelier overhead. The smell of roasted chicken filled the air, a recipe Catherine had perfected over the years. The table was set with their finest china, creating an atmosphere that on any other day would have felt cozy and intimate.

As Catherine set down the dishes and took her seat opposite Dylan, she immediately sensed that something was off. The usual spark in his eyes was missing. In its place, a far-off gaze, almost as though he was lost in a labyrinth of his thoughts. The rhythm of their typical evening, marked by shared smiles, laughs, and playful banter, was eerily absent.

She tried to strike up a conversation, mentioning a funny anecdote from work or asking about his day, but his responses were either delayed or nonexistent. When he did speak, his voice lacked its usual warmth, replaced by a curt tone that felt distant and uninvolved. Several times, she would say something, and he would just stare at his plate for a moment too long before finally acknowledging her with a simple nod or an “uh-huh.”

The clink of silverware on the plates seemed to echo loudly in the room, filling the awkward silence. The food, usually a delight, felt tasteless to Catherine as she struggled to decipher the cause behind Dylan’s strange behavior.

She noticed the little things – how he would drum his fingers on the table as if lost in thought or the way he’d take a deep breath every few moments as if bracing himself for something. His agitation was palpable, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it was connected to the bizarre events she’d witnessed earlier.

Though she was burning with questions, Catherine hesitated to broach the topic directly. The evening was already tense, and she feared pushing him might lead to a confrontation she wasn’t prepared for. Still, the weight of the unspoken words between them was oppressive, casting a shadow over what should have been a simple, loving dinner between husband and wife.

That evening, the dining room was adorned with soft candlelight, casting gentle flickering shadows on the walls. The familiar, comforting scent of a hearty stew wafted through the room. Catherine had always taken pride in their dinner rituals — a moment in the day when they’d put everything aside to connect. However, tonight, the ambiance was marred by an underlying tension.

Across the table, Dylan sat, his eyes occasionally darting to the corners of the room, his fingers tapping an uneven rhythm on the wooden tabletop. Every so often, he would get lost in a distant thought, his fork pausing mid-air, the food untouched.

Attempting to alleviate the tension and draw him into conversation, Catherine began, “So, how was your day? Anything exciting happened at the office?” Her voice was light, aiming for casual, but there was an undertone of concern.

Dylan seemed to snap back to reality for a moment, blinking a couple of times before answering, “Oh, it was just the usual. You know, meetings, paperwork… the regular stuff.” His voice was distant, a stark contrast to the animated tone he typically had when discussing his day.

Sensing that a direct approach might be more effective, Catherine probed further, “Were you at the office the entire day? I thought maybe you’d have popped out for a bit.”

He hesitated momentarily, the briefest flicker of uncertainty crossing his eyes. “Yeah, it was a packed day. Didn’t even get a chance to step out. Came straight home afterward.” The words sounded rehearsed, his gaze not meeting hers.

Catherine’s heart sank a little. The discrepancy between what she had observed earlier and what Dylan was now recounting gnawed at her. She was faced with a dilemma — to push further and risk a confrontation or to let it slide for the night, giving her more time to piece together the puzzle.

The remainder of the dinner passed in near silence, each bite heavy with unsaid words and simmering emotions, both of them lost in their own whirlwind of thoughts.

In the quiet aftermath of dinner, as Catherine washed the dishes and reflected on the evening’s events, a sinking feeling settled in her stomach. The cryptic responses from Dylan, the incongruity of his story with what she had witnessed — all the signs pointed towards infidelity. The very thought was like a sharp stab, tearing through the tapestry of trust and understanding they had built over the years.

She pictured them — the happy moments, the trips they took, the laughter shared, and the dreams they wove together. The idea of Dylan, her Dylan, being involved with someone else felt surreal, almost like a bad dream she could shake off. Yet, the evidence was mounting, and her intuition, honed over years of their togetherness, couldn’t be ignored. She felt betrayed, hurt, and an anger that simmered beneath the surface.

But Catherine was also pragmatic. She knew that jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence could be disastrous. There was still a small part of her, perhaps driven by hope or denial, that believed there might be a different explanation. An explanation that didn’t involve another woman but perhaps a different secret he was harboring.

With a steely determination, Catherine formed a plan. The next day, she would shadow Dylan. She would get to the bottom of this mystery and discover the truth, no matter how painful. Setting her alarm early, she decided to station herself at the supermarket’s parking lot.

As she lay in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed her. Anxiety, sadness, hope, and fear danced in her heart. She didn’t know what the next day would bring, but she was prepared to face it head-on.

The first light of dawn crept through the curtains, casting a soft, golden hue around the room. Catherine stirred, slowly rising from the bed. As she dressed in her casual attire, she practiced her excuse in her mind, ensuring it sounded genuine and devoid of any hint of suspicion.

Finally, as she was about to exit the bedroom, Dylan’s groggy voice called out, “Hey, where are you headed so early?”

Turning back to face him with a calm and composed expression, she replied, “Oh, I’ve booked a morning massage session, remember? My back’s been killing me lately. Thought I’d get it checked out before it gets worse.”

Dylan, still half-asleep, squinted at her, trying to remember. “Ah, right. You did mention something about that. Just slipped my mind. Going without breakfast?”

She gave a small laugh, “Yeah, I don’t want to keep the therapist waiting. I’ll grab something on the way. You sleep in; you’ve had a long week.”

He smiled weakly, “Alright. Take care, and let me know how it goes.”

With a nod and a quick peck on his forehead, she said, “I will. See you in a bit.”

Exiting the house, Catherine’s heart raced, not from the lie she’d just told but from the anticipation of what the day might reveal. Her car engine roared to life, and she made her way to the familiar supermarket parking lot. Parking in a spot that gave her a clear vantage point yet was concealed enough to keep her inconspicuous, she settled in for the wait. The air was thick with tension as she continuously scanned the lot for any sign of Dylan’s arrival.

The hours ticked by slowly, each moment stretching out as Catherine waited with bated breath. The hum of engines and the occasional chirp of a bird provided a backdrop to her mounting anxiety. She fiddled with the radio, flicked through her book, but her attention was firmly on the entrance of the parking lot.

Just as she was starting to question her plan, the familiar black SUV made its appearance. Her heart skipped a beat. Dylan parked and quickly scanned the surroundings, ensuring he wasn’t being observed. Seeing him change into the more modest attire confirmed Catherine’s suspicions that there was more to his story.

She watched intently as Dylan locked his SUV and stepped into the aged sedan Catherine had already seen the day before.

As the old car’s engine sputtered to life, Catherine started her own car, waiting for a few other vehicles to move before merging behind him. She kept a safe distance, not too close to raise suspicion but close enough to keep track of his movements. Her heart pounded in her chest, her palms sweaty on the steering wheel.

The journey was a game of cat and mouse. Catherine would occasionally lose sight of him at traffic lights or junctions but would catch up, always making sure to hang back when necessary. There was one nerve-wracking moment when Dylan glanced in his rearview mirror and their eyes seemed to meet. Panic surged within her, but then a bus moved between them, breaking the line of sight.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Catherine continued her covert pursuit, blending in with the traffic, using larger vehicles as a screen when possible. The anxiety of being discovered battled with the need to uncover the truth, and Catherine pushed forward, driven by a mixture of dread, curiosity, and determination.

The urban landscape gradually faded as Catherine followed Dylan, replaced by the sprawling outskirts of the city. The familiar skyscrapers and bustling intersections gave way to open fields and sporadic houses. Catherine felt a growing unease; why would Dylan be venturing this far out without any prior mention?

As the minutes ticked by, the road beneath her became less maintained, riddled with cracks and potholes. It appeared to be an older, less-traveled route. Signs of civilization dwindled, replaced by towering trees and underbrush as they approached a forested area. This wasn’t a place they had ever been to, or at least, not together. The canopy overhead made the surroundings dimmer, the shadows playing tricks on her eyes.

Dylan’s car suddenly indicated a turn towards a narrow, dirt path leading into the woods. Catherine, sensing the need for caution, pulled over a good distance from the turnoff, ensuring her car was obscured by the tall grass and shrubbery. Killing the engine, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The only sounds were the distant chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

Emerging from the car, Catherine began her stealthy pursuit on foot. Each step was deliberate, avoiding twigs and dry leaves that could give away her presence. She relied on the sounds ahead to guide her, occasionally catching the faint hum of the old car’s engine. The forest floor was uneven, with roots and rocks protruding, making her journey more challenging. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, a marked contrast to the city’s pollution.

The woods seemed to close in on her, the path winding and turning unpredictably. At times, she would stop and hide behind a tree, straining her ears for any sign of Dylan or his car.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the dense trees opened up to a clearing. There, bathed in a soft patch of sunlight, was the beaten-up sedan, its engine now silent. It sat in front of a weathered, old house that looked like it had seen better days. The wooden panels were chipped, the windows dusty, and the roof seemed to sag in places. The setting was eerie, reminiscent of forgotten stories and abandoned places where nature had started to reclaim its space.

Questions swirled in Catherine’s mind. Why was Dylan here? What connection did he have to this dilapidated house in the middle of the forest? With a newfound resolve, she decided to get her answers, even if they were ones she wasn’t prepared to hear.

Nestled behind a dense thicket of bushes, Catherine tried to regulate her breathing. The adrenaline coursing through her veins made every sound, every movement amplified. Peering through the gaps in the foliage, she had a relatively unobstructed view of the old house’s porch.

There, she saw Dylan. He was engaged in a jovial conversation with a man who looked like he had known many hardships. His attire was worn out, with patches and tears evident even from her distance. The man’s face bore lines of age and experience, his hands rough and calloused, suggesting a life of manual labor. Surprisingly, they both seemed at ease with each other, sharing smiles and hearty laughter, a stark contrast to the somber setting around them.

As Catherine tried to fathom the connection between Dylan and this stranger, a particularly loud bout of laughter caught her off guard, causing her to involuntarily rustle the bushes she was hiding behind. Realizing her cover might be blown, she decided to confront the situation head-on.

Emerging with a determined stride, Catherine made her presence known, eyes fixed on Dylan. The expressions of the two men changed instantly. Dylan’s face went from joyful to shock in mere seconds, while the stranger’s eyes widened, taking in Catherine’s appearance with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

“Catherine? What are you doing here?” Dylan’s voice was a mixture of surprise and dread, clearly thrown off by her unexpected arrival.

The man, with an amused grin and a glint in his eye, chimed in, “Who is this beauty?” His tone was flirtatious, yet there was an undertone of genuine intrigue.

Drawing herself up to her full height, Catherine responded assertively, “I am his wife!”

Taking a step closer and pointing an accusatory finger at Dylan, she continued, “Now, I demand an explanation. Why are you here, miles away from where you claimed to be? Why abandon your SUV at the supermarket and use this rundown vehicle? And most importantly,” her gaze then shifted to the stranger, “Who is this man?”

Dylan’s face turned a shade paler. It was evident he was caught in a situation he hadn’t anticipated. His eyes darted between Catherine and the stranger as if weighing how much to divulge and what to withhold. The stranger, sensing the tension, took a step back, his jovial demeanor replaced by a more cautious stance.

The atmosphere grew thick with tension, the earlier camaraderie replaced with an air of confrontation. Dylan cleared his throat, preparing to speak, but his expression conveyed that Catherine’s presence had unveiled a chapter of his life he had hoped to keep sealed.

The stranger, now identified as Harry, looked at Dylan with a mix of betrayal and confusion. His brows furrowed deeply, his voice laden with disbelief. “Wife? SUV? A meeting in the office? All this time, you painted a picture of a struggling beggar just getting by. You told me tales of your hardships, working long hours at a gas station, barely making ends meet!”

Dylan’s face was a canvas of guilt, regret, and desperation. He took a step towards Harry, his hands raised in a pleading gesture. “Harry, please understand. It’s complicated. I had my reasons for keeping certain parts of my life hidden, not just from you but from many others as well. I promise, I can explain.”

Harry’s eyes darted between Catherine and Dylan, trying to piece together the puzzle. His gaze settled back on Dylan, filled with anger. The trust they had built seemed to crumble in mere seconds. “Did you take me for a fool, thinking I’d never find out?”

However, before Dylan could say another word, the tense atmosphere reached its breaking point. Harry, overwhelmed by the surge of emotions, grabbed a bottle that was on a nearby table. In one swift, uncontrolled motion, he smashed it against Dylan’s head. The impact was immediate. Dylan’s eyes rolled back, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Catherine screamed, rushing towards her husband, but was held back by Harry. The weight of his actions seemed to dawn on him as he took in the scene, breathing heavily.

It felt like an eternity, but in reality, only 20 minutes had passed when Dylan’s eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurry, and a sharp, throbbing pain emanated from his head. As he tried to move, the tight constraints around his wrists and ankles became apparent. He was bound to a chair. Turning his head slightly, a chilling realization set in. Beside him, also bound, was Catherine. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of fear and concern passing between them.

The dimly lit room seemed to constrict around them, the only sound being the soft creaking of the old wooden chairs they were bound to. Catherine’s eyes, filled with tears of confusion and anger, bore into Dylan, desperately searching for answers.

She inhaled sharply, her voice shaking but resolute, “Start talking, Dylan. Who is this? Why would you lie about something as basic as your job? And why all the secrecy?!” Her heart raced, not just from fear, but from the crushing weight of the unknown, the sudden realization that the man she thought she knew had hidden layers.

Dylan lowered his gaze, the weight of the past pushing down on him. The silence in the room felt heavy, like a storm cloud about to burst. After what felt like an eternity, he looked up, his eyes rimmed with red, filled with pain and regret.

“I’m so, so sorry, Catherine,” he began, his voice cracking. “I never wanted you to be pulled into this mess, into my past. I wanted to protect you from it.”

Catherine’s eyebrows furrowed, her mind racing as she tried to piece things together. “Your past? What does that have to do with telling someone you worked at a gas station?”

Dylan hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath, “About 19 years ago, before we met, I had another life, a life filled with challenges and heartbreaks. I…I had a son.”

Catherine’s heart felt like it missed a beat, “A son? Why am I just hearing about this now? How could you keep something so monumental from me?”

Dylan closed his eyes briefly, trying to find the right words. “It’s a part of my life that I buried deep, hoping never to revisit. I wanted to shield you from the pain and mistakes of my past. But now, it seems, the past has caught up with me.”

Catherine’s face contorted in a mix of shock and sadness. “But why lie about your job? Why get involved with someone like Harry?”

Dylan took a deep breath, “It all connects back, Catherine, to that period of my life, to choices made and paths taken. Let me take you back to those days. Maybe then you can understand…”

As the dim confines of the basement faded, Dylan’s memories began to play out, transporting him to a different time and place, a time when life seemed simpler yet immeasurably complex.

*19 years ago…*

The sterile scent of a hospital filled the air. Soft beeping from machines and the distant echo of footsteps on linoleum were the only sounds. Dylan, looking visibly younger and with a distinct innocence in his eyes, stood nervously outside a doctor’s office, gently rocking a tiny bundle in his arms. The baby, wrapped in a blue blanket, gazed up at Dylan with big, curious eyes, oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

The door to the office creaked open, revealing a middle-aged doctor with a compassionate face but eyes that hinted at many tough conversations held within these walls. He beckoned Dylan in. “Mr. Rhodes,” he began, his voice gentle but filled with a subtle heaviness. “Please have a seat.”

Dylan sat down, still cradling his son, anxiety evident in his eyes. “Doctor, the tests…how is my boy?”

The doctor exhaled, searching for the right words. “Dylan, we’ve received the test results. I won’t sugarcoat it. Your son has been diagnosed with a rare and severe condition.”

Dylan’s heart sank, the words hitting him like a physical blow. He tightened his grip on the baby as if willing his strength into the small body. “But there’s a cure, right? Some treatment?”

The doctor hesitated before replying, “There’s a surgery that might help. However, it’s complicated, not without risks, and…costly.”

“How costly?” Dylan whispered, fearing the answer.

“Approximately 100 thousand dollars,” the doctor replied, his voice filled with genuine regret.

The room seemed to spin around Dylan. His vision blurred, and a numbness settled in. The weight of the news, combined with the price tag attached, felt insurmountable. The innocent gurgles of his son served as a poignant reminder of the stakes.

As the door of the doctor’s office clicked shut behind him, 19-year-old Dylan felt as though the weight of the world had suddenly pressed down upon his young shoulders. The sterile white walls of the hospital hallway seemed to close in on him, and the muffled sounds of distant conversations and footsteps became a distorted blur. He found himself leaning against the cold wall, struggling to process the reality he had just been plunged into.

His heart raced, and a cold sweat formed on his brow. The amount of money mentioned was astronomical, especially for someone like him, just starting out in life. It wasn’t just the magnitude of the sum that overwhelmed him, but the realization that his son’s life had a price tag — one he couldn’t afford. The sheer hopelessness of the situation threatened to drown him, making it hard to breathe.

In a daze, he fumbled in his pocket for his phone. The screen seemed too bright, the icons too sharp. After a few failed attempts, he dialed his girlfriend’s number, each beep echoing his rising panic.

When she answered, her voice light and unsuspecting, Dylan struggled to find his own. “Hey, it’s me,” he began, his voice quivering. “I…I spoke with the doctor. It’s not good news.” He took a shaky breath, preparing to dive into the painful details.

The drive home was a blur for Dylan, his mind wrestling with the recent revelations and the weight of the responsibility he now shouldered alone. Pulling up to his modest house, the evening’s golden hues only deepened the shadows that seemed to darken his world.

Dylan carried his child carefully, each step weighed down by the reality of their situation. But as he stepped into the living room, he felt an eerie silence, a stillness that wasn’t there before. A sinking feeling set in; the atmosphere felt devoid of the warmth and familiarity of his girlfriend’s presence.

Moving towards the bedroom, a cold dread settled in his stomach. The usually messy bed was made impeccably, and the surrounding area was eerily organized. But what struck him the most was the sight of the open closet. Rows of hangers that once held her dresses, jackets, and shirts now swung empty. Drawers lay ajar, void of her personal belongings.

His heart raced, confusion turning to panic. Could she have known about the diagnosis? Did she leave because of it? Searching for answers, he stumbled into the kitchen. And there, under the dim light, lay a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. With trembling hands, he picked it up, recognizing her handwriting instantly.

The note was brief but chilling, cutting through his already fragile state like a knife: “Don’t look for me. I’m sorry, but I never wanted this child. Goodbye!”

The finality of her words hit him like a tidal wave. The walls of the kitchen seemed to close in on him as the weight of abandonment, betrayal, and heartbreak converged, leaving him devastated.

Dylan, with a sense of urgency, picked up his phone and dialed Harry’s number. The line buzzed for a moment before a deep voice answered, “Hey, it’s Harry.”

“Harry, it’s Dylan. I need you to come over. I’m in a tight spot,” Dylan hesitated, the weight of his situation making it hard to breathe.

“Alright, man. Give me a few,” Harry replied.

A couple of hours later, the doorbell rang. Dylan opened the door to find Harry, his face etched with concern. “You sounded pretty serious on the phone. What’s up?”

Dylan sighed, leading Harry to the living room. “My son…he’s sick. Really sick. The doctors…they’re asking for an amount I can’t even dream of.”

Harry frowned, “That’s tough, mate. But why call me?”

Dylan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the next part, “I know about your…endeavors. The robberies.”

Harry tensed, his gaze sharpening, “You’re treading on thin ice, Dylan. What do you want?”

“I want in,” Dylan said firmly. “I’ll do whatever it takes for my son.”

Harry regarded him with a mix of surprise and skepticism, “You want to rob with me? You think you can handle that world?”

Dylan nodded, “I’ve no choice. I’m desperate, Harry.”

After a moment of contemplative silence, Harry finally spoke, “We’ve got a small bank job planned. You can be our driver. Stay outside, wait for us, and get us out quick. You do this, you get a cut.”

Dylan, sensing the lifeline thrown at him, grabbed it with both hands, “I’m in. Just tell me when and where.”

Harry nodded, “I’ll let you know. But remember, once you’re in, there’s no turning back.”

The sun had already set, casting long shadows on the streets of the city. Dylan was stationed outside the bank, his heart thumping in his chest as he tried to blend in. The black sedan he was in felt like a furnace, intensifying his anxiety. Gripping the steering wheel, he took deep breaths, trying to steady himself. Adjusting the rearview mirror, he caught a glimpse of his reflection: a man he hardly recognized, hidden behind a ski mask.

“Seven minutes,” Harry had instructed earlier, “Just wait seven minutes, then we’ll be out.”

Every second felt stretched, like hours. The tick-tock of the car’s clock was painfully audible, mingling with his thoughts. He kept replaying the plan in his mind, envisioning how Harry and the gang would enter and exit. The urge to constantly check the bank’s entrance was overwhelming, but he resisted, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the loud banging of the bank’s doors. Harry emerged, running at full speed, with bags that Dylan assumed were full of money. Without wasting a moment, Harry flung the car door open and jumped in, shouting, “Drive, NOW!”

Dylan, momentarily stunned, managed to ask, “Where’s the rest of the crew?”

“Forget them! They’re gone! Drive!” Harry’s voice was filled with a mix of fear and urgency.

Without another word, Dylan floored the gas pedal. The car roared to life, tires screeching against the asphalt. Dylan swerved around corners, cutting through alleyways, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and the bank. But as he glanced at the rearview mirror, the flashing blue and red lights confirmed his worst fear: they were being pursued by the police.

The sirens wailed, growing louder, indicating that the police cars were gaining on them. Panic started to creep in, but Dylan forced himself to focus. He needed to find a way out, not just for the money, but for his son.

The piercing sound of gunfire broke through the night, followed by a sharp, agonizing scream from Harry. Dylan cast a frantic glance towards him and saw blood soaking through Harry’s shirt where a bullet had struck his shoulder. However, even in pain, Harry’s voice was filled with urgency, “Keep going! Make the next right! Don’t slow down for anything!”

Dylan nodded, trying to block out the throbbing pain of his own pounding heart. He swerved the car, narrowly avoiding another vehicle. The sirens and gunshots continued, growing ever louder. It was clear the police were closing in. Then, with a jarring thud, another round of bullets found their target, puncturing the car’s tires. The sedan lurched to the side, becoming increasingly difficult to control.

“We’re not going to make it,” Harry rasped, pain evident in his voice, “Listen to me, Dylan. You’ve got a chance.”

Dylan’s eyes darted to Harry, struggling to comprehend amidst the chaos, “What are you talking about?”

Harry grimaced, clutching his wounded shoulder, “They haven’t seen your face. There’s a narrow alleyway up ahead, about 300 meters. Drive into it, and you’ll find a sewer hatch. Ditch the car, get into the sewers, and follow the markings.”

Dylan, struggling to process, asked, “But what about you, Harry?”

Harry’s face contorted in pain, but his voice remained steady, “With this injury, I’m not getting far. But you, you’ve got a shot. You take the money, all of it. If I’m arrested, I won’t breathe a word about you. But remember, you owe me my share. When I get out, I expect to be paid.”

Dylan nodded, eyes glistening, “I promise, Harry. I won’t forget.

Dylan accelerated towards the dimly lit alleyway, his heart racing. As he neared the end, he could see the sewer hatch, just as Harry had described. Not wasting a second, he slammed the brakes, the car skidding slightly on the damp ground. The door was flung open, and in a blur of movement, Dylan darted out, clutching the bags of money close to his chest.

He could hear the distant shouts of the police officers, their footsteps echoing closer with each passing second. In one fluid motion, he heaved open the heavy sewer hatch and descended into the darkness below. The damp, musty smell of the sewer hit him instantly, but there was no time to hesitate.

Above, the police had reached the alley. Dylan could hear their voices, muffled yet filled with urgency, as they apprehended Harry. He pressed further into the sewers, moving quickly, the weight of the money a constant reminder of the danger he’d just escaped.

Unbeknownst to the police, while they found an empty car only with Harry inside, Dylan had ensured that not a single dollar was left behind, honoring his promise to Harry.

The hospital’s clinical atmosphere seemed to press down on Dylan as he carried his frail son through the corridors. Every beep, every whisper seemed magnified in the face of what lay ahead. He clutched his son close, feeling the tiny heartbeat against his chest. Today was supposed to be the day everything changed for the better.

As they settled into the pre-op room, Dylan tried to remain optimistic. He whispered assurances to his son, trying to mask his anxiety. But just as hope began to build, a figure approached — Dr. Whitman, the head surgeon. His face was drawn, and his demeanor was somber, both bad signs in Dylan’s experience.

“I have some distressing news,” Dr. Whitman began, adjusting his glasses. “We’ve received the latest test results. The situation is more complicated than we first assumed. Your son’s surgery is now going to be doubly extensive. This means the cost will also double. Instead of $100,000, we are looking at $200,000.”

Dylan felt the room spin. “Give me 5 minutes to think,” he whispered, trying to keep his voice steady.

Walking into the hallway, Dylan leaned against the cold wall, trying to collect his thoughts. The weight of the situation bore down on him. He thought of Harry and the debt he owed him. The money he had secured for the surgery was not only his; a significant portion was meant for Harry. But now, he faced an impossible choice.

As his son’s weak laughter echoed from the room, memories of their moments together flashed in front of him — the first time he held him, his first steps, the nights he lulled him to sleep. Could he compromise his son’s health for a debt? No, he couldn’t. But betraying Harry meant endangering their lives in the future. Dylan felt trapped, caught in a vise of desperation and duty.

Taking a deep breath, he realized that his son’s life was the priority. Nothing else mattered at that moment. He would figure out a way to deal with Harry later. With newfound determination, he re-entered the room.

“I’ll cover the cost,” he said firmly, locking eyes with Dr. Whitman. “Do whatever it takes to save my son.”


For a few moments, there was a poignant silence, punctuated only by their shallow breaths and the distant drips echoing through the basement. Catherine’s eyes, wide with shock and empathy, never left Dylan’s face. The pain in them mirrored his own, a clear reflection of the anguish he’d lived through.

“… Then I paid 200 thousand dollars for the surgery, hoping it would grant my son a chance at life,” Dylan continued, his voice choked with emotion. “But the cruel twist of fate took him away the very same day. The world crumbled around me. The guilt, the sorrow, the weight of my decisions — it was all too much. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, each one heavier than the last.”

Dylan looked down at their intertwined fingers, a testament to the bond they shared. “It was a dark period,” he whispered. “But then, like a beacon in the night, I found you. With you, I saw a chance to start anew, to find happiness again. And in that newfound hope, I believed I could put everything behind me, that the ghosts of my past would remain buried.”

He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “I genuinely thought that if I ran far enough and built a new life, Harry would never find me, especially after two decades. That’s why I never shared this with you. I wanted to protect our present from the mistakes of my past.”

Catherine’s eyes bore into Dylan’s, searching for answers amidst the whirlwind of revelations that had upended their world. The atmosphere in the room grew tense, a palpable electricity between them.

“How did he find you?” she demanded, her voice quivering but resolute.

Dylan hesitated, looking down, before meeting her gaze. “A few days ago, I got a call. It was Harry,” he began, his voice heavy with regret. “He told me he’d been released from prison. It caught me completely off guard. How he got my number, how he traced me after all these years — I can’t say.”

He paused, taking a deep breath as the weight of their predicament bore down on him. “I’ve been working hard these past years, trying to build a life for us. The money I made, I earned it honestly. I couldn’t bear the thought of parting with it, especially for someone from a past I tried so hard to escape. So, in a moment of panic and pride, I tried to outsmart Harry. I pretended to be penniless, thinking I could divert him from the truth.”

Dylan’s eyes darted away, guilt evident on his face. “And the last thing I wanted was for you to be dragged into this mess. I thought I could handle it on my own, protect you from my past.”

Catherine’s face contorted with a mix of anguish and fury. “But that was your mistake, Dylan! Not telling me, not trusting me. To you, 100 thousand dollars is a drop in the ocean, but now it’s the price on our heads!” Her voice escalated, the reality of their danger amplifying her emotions. “Your arrogance, your deceit — it could cost us our lives. And for what? Money? How could you, Dylan? How could you play with our lives this way? I hate you!” she shouted, tears streaming down her face.

The deafening silence that followed was broken only by their ragged breaths, the weight of the moment pressing down on them.

The creak of the basement door followed by the dimming of the already faint light heralded Harry’s return. Catherine and Dylan stiffened in their chairs, the ropes binding them digging into their flesh. Harry’s silhouette cast a towering shadow as he descended the stairs, his every step echoing with menace.

Catherine’s eyes darted fearfully between Harry and Dylan. Harry, noticing her trepidation, smirked. “I just had a little visit to your cozy home,” he sneered, looking directly at Catherine. “Quite the palace you’ve got there, though not many valuables lying around, I must say. Makes me wonder where all the money went.”

Dylan, with a voice trembling with fear and desperation, began to plead. “Harry, I beg you, whatever your issue is with me, please don’t involve Catherine. She’s innocent in all of this.”

Harry tilted his head, feigning consideration, but his eyes remained cold. “I’m listening,” he drawled.

Summoning every ounce of courage he had, Dylan continued, “I’ll give you everything. Everything I have. There’s close to a million dollars in my bank accounts. Let’s go there right now. I’ll transfer it all to you. Just… please spare my wife.”

Harry seemed to contemplate this for a moment, the silence in the room thickening with tension. Then, nodding slowly, he said, “Alright, Dylan. I’ll take your offer.”

However, Harry’s face hardened once more, and he leaned close to Dylan, his breath smelling of stale cigarettes. “But listen closely. If you even think of playing any tricks or getting the police involved, I won’t hesitate to spill all about your dark past. Remember, I have nothing left to lose, and in jail, I’ve made plenty of allies. You mess with me, they’ll ensure you pay the price. Got it?”

Dylan, his face pale and eyes wide with fear, managed a weak nod. “Understood.”

Harry stepped back, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. “Good. Let’s take a trip to the bank then.”

The journey to the bank felt like the longest ride of Dylan’s life. Each traffic light, each stop, seemed to stretch time to its limit. The hum of the car’s engine and the muffled sounds of the city outside felt distant, drowned out by the turmoil of his own thoughts.

The weight of his past choices pressed down on Dylan. The web of deceit he had spun, the greed that had tainted his decisions, and the realization that all of it had converged to this treacherous moment consumed him. Every turn of the wheel, every decision he’d made, felt like a chain that bound him tighter, a noose that threatened to suffocate him.

The imposing structure of the bank gradually appeared on the horizon, its silhouette a looming reminder of what was at stake. As he drew closer, the enormity of Harry’s potential actions became more tangible. Knowing the vindictiveness and greed that drove the man, Dylan was under no illusion that Harry would show mercy after obtaining the money. The very thought that Catherine could get caught in the crossfire, all because of his misdeeds, was unbearable.

With each mile covered, a desperate plan began taking shape in Dylan’s mind. He contemplated a drastic measure, a sacrificial act that might divert Harry’s wrath away from Catherine and solely onto him. It was fraught with danger, a gamble in every sense. But if it meant even a fractional chance that Catherine could escape this nightmare unscathed, he was ready to stake everything.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, knuckles white with determination. Memories of their shared moments, their dreams and aspirations, provided him with a reservoir of strength. Catherine deserved a future, one unblemished by his past sins, and he was determined to ensure that.

As he finally pulled into the bank’s parking lot, the weight of the upcoming confrontation settled heavily on him. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he mentally braced himself, gearing up for the most pivotal moment of his life.

The bank’s vast marble floor echoed with the faint murmurs of its patrons, the soft hum of the overhead lights, and the clinking of pens against counters. The ambiance was mundane, just another day with customers lining up, waiting for their turn, bank tellers busy with transactions, and the bank’s guards positioned near the entrance, their stance casual yet alert.

Dylan felt the weight of Harry’s presence next to him. Every step toward the cash register made his heart race faster. He could feel the palpable tension emanating from Harry, who seemed eager to finish this business quickly. But as they approached the counter, the gravity of the situation and the dire consequences Catherine might face bore down on Dylan. A blend of fear, determination, and adrenaline surged through him.

The bank teller, a young woman with neatly tied hair and sharp glasses, looked up at them, her face the epitome of professionalism. “How can I assist you today?” she asked with a courteous smile, completely unaware of the storm that was about to descend.

It was at this juncture, that Dylan, with every ounce of courage he could muster, took a deep breath and deviated from the plan. “This is a robbery!” he exclaimed, his voice echoing throughout the bank, turning every head in their direction. The immediate aftermath of his declaration was a frozen tableau of shock. Time seemed to stand still for a heartbeat.

Then chaos erupted.

Bank alarms blared, the doors slid shut with an ominous thud, and the bank’s security system snapped into place. Customers ducked, screams filled the air, and the bank guards instantly snapped into action, weapons drawn, eyes locked onto Dylan and Harry.

Harry, caught off guard, shot Dylan a look of pure betrayal. His face twisted in anger, he hissed, “What the hell are you doing? I’ll make sure the cops know every sordid detail of your past!”

Summoning his bravado, Dylan met Harry’s glare squarely, defiance evident in his posture. “I will tell them everything myself, but my Catherine will be alive,” Dylan answered to Harry and was taken to the police car.

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