8 Things Grandparents Should Avoid Doing

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Just to put it out there, not all moms might be bothered by these but, from what I have heard said by many moms, these are still things that grandmothers should be wary of.

Now, I decided to write this post because recently I realized that this really is a HUGE topic.

In other words, it’s very common for moms to clash with grandmothers.

There are entire group boards, in mommy forums (if you happened to by in any during your pregnancy), dedicated to the issues that new moms have with their mothers and mothers-in-law with THOUSANDS of threads!

I had no idea before I had a baby!

I was surprised at how easily offended and hurt even I would get at times (I blame hormones)!

So, I really wanted to create a list of the biggest issues that I would see that moms run into with grandmothers because, I can vouche, that it is so powerful when that relationship stays strong.

EVERYONE benefits.

So, before further-ado, here are the big eight things that grandmothers should avoid doing if they don’t want to strain their relationship with mom.

**SHORT NOTE** The humor is not meant to be apathetic or make light of a serious issue, but it is meant to provide a bit of “comic relief”, so enjoy! Hopefully even this could be something you look back on and laugh about later!

Being a grandparent is a wonderful experience, filled with love and joy. However, it’s important to remember that as a grandparent, your role is to support and guide, rather than interfere or undermine. Here are 8 things grandparents should avoid doing:

1. Overstepping Boundaries

Respect the parents’ rules and decisions. Avoid giving unsolicited advice or criticizing their parenting style. Remember, they are the ones responsible for raising their children.

2. Spoiling the Grandchildren

While it’s tempting to shower your grandchildren with gifts and treats, it’s important to strike a balance. Spoiling them excessively can create unrealistic expectations and undermine the parents’ authority.

3. Ignoring Safety Guidelines

Always follow safety guidelines when caring for your grandchildren. Keep hazardous items out of reach and ensure their environment is childproofed. Stay updated on the latest safety recommendations.

4. Undermining Discipline

Support the parents’ disciplinary methods and avoid contradicting them in front of the children. Consistency is key for effective discipline.

5. Overstepping Cultural or Religious Beliefs

Respect the parents’ cultural or religious beliefs when it comes to raising their children. Avoid imposing your own beliefs or practices on them.

6. Interfering in Parental Decisions

Avoid interfering in important parental decisions, such as education, healthcare, or discipline. Offer advice when asked, but ultimately, let the parents make the final decisions.

7. Making Comparisons

Avoid comparing your grandchildren to others or favoring one over the other. Each child is unique and should be appreciated for their individuality.

8. Overloading with Screen Time

While technology can be a valuable tool, excessive screen time can have negative effects on children’s development. Encourage outdoor activities, reading, and imaginative play instead.

Remember, being a grandparent is a privilege. By respecting boundaries, supporting the parents, and fostering a loving and nurturing environment, you can play a vital role in your grandchildren’s lives.