Puzzle That Might Keep You Up All Day


Some research has proven that solving riddles and puzzles is exceptionally beneficial for your brain.

It sharpens your mind, improves your memory, and teaches you to pay attention to small details. And it’s simply fun. Enjoy these riddles with a little twist.

We love riddles. Read all the information, the answer is right there.

In some puzzles we deliberately included more details than necessary, you just have to fish out what you need. Good luck.

2. A ladder mystery

Paul was standing on a 60-ft ladder. He slipped from the ladder and fell to the ground.

But he didn’t get badly injured.


.[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”ea9svzl2p1″ question=”How is this possible?” opened=”1″]How is this possible?[/wpdiscuz-feedback]


Paul was standing on the bottom rung of the ladder.