Girl Mocks Custodians Saying She Would Rather Be Dead than Pick Garbage All Day – Her Dad Finds Out

After making his daughter clean their home with a toothbrush, one man’s wife became furious at him. He argued he was trying to teach her a lesson and wondered why his wife thought it was wrong.

A Reddit user asked others on the platform what he should do after his wife told him off for the way he decided to discipline their daughter.

Users soon gave their opinions on what the man had done.

The original poster (OP) shared that his daughter and her friends had been at school and discussing different careers when they made some remarks that were reported back to the teacher.

The OP’s daughter, Brittany, and her friends had been at school talking about the different career options there were when Brittany said she would hate to be a custodian or plumber.

That comment led to issues at school and within her family.

How Did the Father Humble His Daughter?

Brittany and her friends mocked the professions they said they could never do but had no idea that another student was listening to them and had reported to the teacher about the conversation.

The other student told the teacher what Brittany and her friends had said, offended because the student’s father was a plumber.

The teacher asked Brittany and her friends to apologize to the other student.

Aside from requiring an apology from them, the teacher also put Brittany and her friends in detention for their mistake.

However, this is not the only punishment Brittany received for this transgression.

When OP learned that his daughter had been punished at school, he felt that he should take it one step further.

He didn’t want his daughter only to be punished; he wanted her to be humbled.

So when Brittany got home, he made her clean their home with a toothbrush, which he said took around five hours.

He clarified that he bought her a new toothbrush when she was done.

OP also said that he had done this because his daughter already had the duty of cleaning their home as part of her daily chores.

Still, it only took about an hour with conventional cleaning supplies, and he wanted her to learn a valuable lesson.

Once Brittany had finished cleaning the house, he sat her down and had a long talk with her about respecting other people’s professions and how she had disrespected other people’s families.

OP felt he had done an excellent job teaching his daughter a lesson, but when his wife, who worked much longer hours than him, learned of the situation, she was angry.

She told him he had gone too far with the punishment, but he disagreed.

Having always agreed on the types of punishments they gave Brittany, OP confessed he didn’t even think to ask his wife before he doled out the discipline but was unsure about this one as his wife had been upset. He wondered if he was wrong for the way he punished Brittany.

What Did People Say?

OP sought advice from people on Reddit, and many confirmed that he was in the right place. In fact, there were even some who applauded the man’s ability to parent his child correctly.


One commenter said Brittany seemed to need hands-on parenting, which OP gave her. Another said:

“Hopefully, she learns there’s no shame in those types of jobs and takes it with her into adulthood.”

The same commenter said the world needed fewer people who turned their noses up at certain professions. However, others thought that OP had gone too far. They said the OP could teach his daughter respect in better ways.


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