7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve

Meet Charles. He’s the most extraordinary person on earth.

His life used to be full of difficulties and challenges that he bravely coped with.

Unfortunately, in old age, he wasn’t able to slip away from a terrible fate.

We gathered some tricky riddles for you to solve. There is also a riddle that has various solutions.

Take a look and give it your best guess.

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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As a child, he was a very gifted boy but teachers already had their favorite students so Charles always got the most complicated tasks. But he always managed to deal with tricky riddles very well.

Task: Make this mathematics equation correct without drawing anything or moving the numbers.

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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As a teenager, Charles used to walk alone. Once, in a forest, he fell into a well. The well’s depth was 30 m. To get out, he climbed the slippery wall at a pace of 3 m per day, and at night when he got very tired, he’d fall 2 m down. But he managed to get out anyway.

Question: How many days did it take him to get out of the well?

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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27 days


He was 20 when his friends decided to play a prank on him: they kidnapped Charles, undressed him, and took him to an abandoned building with no windows and a locked door.

On the wall, there was a note with release conditions.

In the middle of the room there was a pipe that stuck out of the concrete floor (its diameter was almost 2 in and its length was 3 ft).

There was a ping pong ball at the bottom of the pipe.

It was impossible to get the ball without some kind of tool but there were no other objects to use. Charles managed to do it anyway.

Question: How did Charles get the ball?

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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mis un liquide dans le tuyau


When his friends just started building their careers, Charles got rich and fell in love with a girl named Irene.

They got married but it turned that out she only married him for his money.


Later, she tried to poison him to get his inheritance.

He knew about that and avoided the poisoned food.

Then, she offered him an apple. He said, “I’ll eat it only if you eat one half too.” Irene cut the apple, ate her piece, and nothing happened to her.

When her husband ate his half of the apple, he fell into a coma for 24 hours. After this murder attempt, Irene was put in prison but Charles survived.

Question: How did Irene manage to poison her husband if she didn’t take any antidote?

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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Charles was a famous pharmacist.

He even managed to develop a medicine that could cure an incurable disease.


His colleagues were very jealous of his success and decided to kill him and steal the formula. One of the laboratory workers came to Charles’ office at night and stabbed him in the stomach.


Charles recognized the person but couldn’t call for help because he fainted.

A security officer found Charles when he was checking the building at the end of the work day and called an ambulance.

Charles survived, and 4 his colleagues fell under suspicion: John, Nicola, Felix, and Michael.

Question: Who tried to kill Charles if all 4 men were present at the laboratory at that time, they all covered for each other, and there was a strange note with numbers 28, 27, 57 in the victim’s pocket.

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve

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After that, Charles got well. He decided to spend his life in a cozy house in the suburbs of his hometown.

A postman delivered all correspondence, a food delivery man brought food, and a newspaper delivery man delivered newspapers everyday.

On Friday, the postman was delivering the mail and saw Charles in a pool of blood, lying on the floor in the kitchen. He called the police immediately.

The policeman examined the crime scene and concluded that Charles was murdered.

On the table, there were some bottles of milk, bread, pills, keys, and Tuesday’s newspaper.

The postman and 2 delivery men fell under suspicion.

Question: Who killed poor Charles?

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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Two men are standing on the edge of an abyss on a wood board. One of them is holding a gun and wants to shoot the other one.

But if the second guy falls down, the first one will fall into the abyss.


Is there a possible way for one of them to survive? Who will actually die?

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve
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I wanna be one of those men. That way there is no chance I can keep reading this garbage


7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve


You just need to turn the blackboard upside down to get the correct mathematic equation.

7 Riddles Only People With Good Gumption Can Solve


Charles needed 28 days. Yes, he had enough food that he took to the forest with him. He got out moving 1 m every 24 hours. In 27 days, he reached 29 m but fell 2 m back down at night (27 m). On 28th day, he climbed 3 m up and got out.


As ping pong balls are really light, Charles just needed to relieve himself in the pipe to retrieve the ball with his hand.


He knew about everything and took the universal antidote each morning. But this poison was very strong, that’s why he fell into a coma for a while. The poison itself was on the one side of a knife that Irene used to cut the apple. She gave Charles the piece of apple that had the poison.


Nicola. Charles managed to write it down as soon as he saw the murderer. As he was a great chemist, the numbers corresponded with the numbers of the chemical elements in the periodic table: 28 – Ni (nickel), 27 – Co (cobalt), 57 – La (lanthanum).


The delivery man that used to bring daily newspapers. The last newspaper found at Charles’ house was for Tuesday, Charles was found on Friday. The delivery man knew that the chemist had already been murdered and stopped bringing newspapers. The reason: Charles refused to make a narcotic medication for him.


The answers to this riddle are so diverse and everyone just thinks differently. So what do you think? Share your guesses with us in the comments!

Source: Bright Side

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