50 Of The Best Pics Of ‘Cats With Threatening Auras’

Cats, cats, cats—we’re all mad about cats!

Considering all the weird and scary things going on in the world right now, the only things sustaining us in our day-to-day grind are cat pics.

There’s no shame in admitting it.

And we know that you dog-lovers out there scroll through some feline memes for a cheeky chuckle, too, when you think nobody’s looking.

Because why settle for one floof when you can get more?



Bored Panda wanted to find out how we can tell whether a cat likes us. PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna was kind enough to explain everything to us. “Our feline friends communicate in many ways, and whilst they can be harder to read than dogs, there are a couple of weird and wonderful indicators that cats use to express their own love language,” she said.

“Cats will greet you in their own time, and you definitely don’t have to ignore them! However, cats don’t like being stared at—it can feel intimidating to them, so often the quickest way to help them feel at ease and get them to come to you, is to avoid direct eye contact. If you see your cat slowly blinking or squinting at you—this is them showing affection and trust, and guess what? You can do it back to your cat to tell them the same thing!” Shauna explained, and we’re willing to bet that a lot of you reading this are bound to try it out today.

According to the PDSA, cats have lots of scent glands on their face. They release pheromones. “When you smell strange to your feline friend—like when you’ve returned from the supermarket—they’ll rub these glands against you, so the pheromones make you smell familiar again. They’re welcoming you back into their social group by marking you with their scent,” Shauna said.


“If you work from home often, you’re probably used to your furry friends roaming across your computer or sitting on your lap throughout the day. Though it might be inconvenient when you’re trying to meet a deadline, your cat is trying to get your attention, so take it as a compliment!”

Meanwhile, we were interested to find out what cat owners can do to help their beloved pets maintain glossy coats and healthy teeth. After all, love and cuddles all on their own might not be enough.

“Maintaining a good grooming and dental hygiene routine for your feline friend is an important part of their overall health, and there a plenty of things you can do to make sure they look and feel their best,” the pet health specialist told Bored Panda.



“If your cat will allow it, brushing their teeth using a cat-safe toothpaste is a great way to keep their mouth healthy because it removes plaque before it turns into tartar. It’s easier if your puss gets used to having their teeth brushed as a kitten, but older cats can learn, too. You can also use dental gels, which contain enzymes and mild abrasives that can help prevent the build-up of plaque. These aren’t as effective as brushing your cat’s teeth, but are a good alternative if your feline friend won’t tolerate anything else,” Shauna said.

Meanwhile, carts really don’t need to be bathed, unless they’ve rolled in something that’s potentially harmful. However, regular brushing is vital for all cats. And longer-haired breeds need extra grooming and care to help keep their coats sleek and in tip-top condition. The PDSA suggested combing them a few times each week, minimum.

“You can use a cat-safe brush or grooming glove, and make sure you give them time to get used to it. Avoid creating static, as this will put your four-legged friend off being groomed. If you notice any changes in their fur, or if they seem itchy and uncomfortable, they might have a skin condition, in which case you should take them to see your vet,” PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna said.

“Feeding your puss a high quality balanced diet is an essential part of keeping their mouth and coat healthy. If possible, try to feed them a mix of wet food and biscuits, as the biscuits can help to remove some of the plaque that builds up on their teeth throughout the day. Aim to keep sugary human foods and treats to a minimum. If your cat is prone to dental problems, your vet can recommend a special dental diet designed to stop the build-up of plaque.”


The ‘Cats With Threatening Auras’ Facebook page has over 364.7k followers, and it’s a true testament to the fact that people simply love cats, and want as much content related to them as they can get.

Imagine if you could bring a ton of joy to hundreds of thousands of people each and every day with the click of a few buttons.

That’s what the team running the page gets to do, and it must be incredibly motivating (sorry, sorry, meowtivating).

At the same time, you’re reminding people how awesome it is to actually own a cat.

This, obviously, is a good thing because it might convince someone to adopt an animal in need from their local shelter.

In the United States alone, roughly 6.3 million companion animals enter animal shelters every year. The ASPCA notes that around half of that, 3.2 million, are cats.

Around half a million American cats get euthanized each year. And if that won’t get you to rush down to your local shelter and hug every single animal there, we don’t know what will.



Recently, Bored Panda spoke about the internet’s obsession with cattos and how to snap a stunning pic with pet photographer Karen Weiler from Post Pets Photography, and Michelle Wood from the Comedy Pet Photography Awards team.

According to professional pet photographer Karen, we can tell a lot about how a cat is feeling by looking at its tail.

It’s like a fluffy mood antenna, Pandas.

“It’s all about the tail! While there are obviously lots of cues our kitties give us, they speak volumes with their tails.

A gentle, slow swishing of their tail from side to side, perhaps wrapping it around your arm or leg is the sign of a happy kitty,” the photographer told us.

“Walking tall with an upright tail or a little hooked forwards is a confident kitty, happy to see you.

On the other hand, a fast twitching of the tail, along with bristled fur and hissing or growling, is an unhappy, scared kitty,” Karen said.

“As a pet photographer who photographs a lot of cats, it’s important to create an environment where the kitty is confident, happy, and safe.

For many, that can be in their home or somewhere inside.

But sometimes cats don’t like strangers in their home, or they don’t like new experiences like the bright light of a flash,” she revealed to Bored Panda some of the challenges of working with cats.


“So I find the most important first step is a pre-session consultation with the cat mom or dad to find out what their cat’s preferences and background are.

From there, we design a session around them,” she said that doing a bit of research is very useful.

“On the day of, moving slowly, taking the time to allow the cat to explore and get to know me, my equipment, and introducing new things are vital.

I often spend a little while just sitting on the floor, giving them time to come to me and realize that I am gentle and am no threat,” the professional noted that it’s important to take the time to gain the animal’s trust.



“When photographing cats, it can be a challenge for them to stay in place or look where you would like.

So I find embracing that reality by catching the brief moments just before they move, or catching the movement itself, creates portraits that show off their personality.

Cats also generally love to track movement, so having lots of interesting things for them to look at helps too.”


According to Karen, the internet is in love with cats because “if you have the privilege of sharing your life with a cat, you know that they are full of personality.” She said: “They have the freedom to ‘tell’ us their opinion without caring about what others think.”

“But, cats can be difficult to photograph and capture their emotions in a photo.

So when people do manage to, they obviously feel compelled to share them, and people who see those photos immediately recognize the emotion and identify with it.

It makes you smile or chuckle because you know that there is truth in that photo.

The memes and jokes that evolve are people coming together to celebrate their love for our furry, opinionated companions.”


A bit of luck never goes amiss if you want to take a good (or goofy) photo of your pet.

However, patience, skill, and dedication also certainly help. Michelle, from the Comedy Pet Photography Awards team, said that timing is key.

“For those absolute classically hysterical images, it’s about knowing your pet inside out, their habits, taking the time to be with them, and keeping your camera or camera phone handy, the rest is lucky timing,” Michelle shared with Bored Panda.


“Backgrounds should not be too distracting from the subject, they should be well lit, and make sure you have your phone on the highest resolution for taking photos.

This means that you might need to be disciplined on the editing and make sure you delete unwanted images as you go,” she shared how to up the quality of the pics.


“Also, make sure you are not rushed when taking photos, it should be a pleasurable and fun experience, if your pet is happy and enjoying the experience, it is more likely that you will get some really engaging images and even if you don’t quite get the shot you want, you have had a good time doing it.

Make sure you have lots of treats and rewards as you go, then they will be happy to have another go later on,” she suggested bribing your Feeling Overlord.

“Our final tip is to get some help so that one person can distract the pet and the other can snap the pic!

And don’t give up.

You never know when you might get that perfect image or video that could be the one!”


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