12 Disturbing Secrets That People Uncovered About a Loved One


Uncovering surprising truths about those we care for can alter our lives significantly.

From undisclosed identities to hidden histories, stumbling upon startling revelations about our loved ones can redefine our relationships forever and influence our life choices.

The people we’re discussing today have encountered a reality so disturbing that it has sent them through a whirlwind of powerful feelings.

In the notes, I found a disturbing detail: the therapist mentioned that my husband never referred to our daughter by name, but only as “the child.” The notes also mentioned that my husband confessed to the therapist that he wouldn’t mind if I divorced him and took full custody.

It’s been 10 years, and I’ve never discussed this with my daughter, nor do I intend to.
© DayDreamerAllDay1 / Reddit

She has no information about her biological mother. © Chikliz4 / Reddit

Source: Bright Side

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